
WATCH: Brave honey badger takes on three leopards in epic Kruger fight

Tourists visiting the Sabi Sand Private Game Reserve got a once-in-a-lifetime sighting when they saw a honey badger fight three leopards.

Published by
By Xanet Scheepers

They might only stand between 23 – 28cm tall, but honey badgers have super-sized attitudes. There is a saying that rings that ‘dynamite comes in small packages’ and this is spot on when it comes to these ferocious mammals.

According to Nature Nibble, the honey badger’s thick skin plays a big part in their ‘you-can’t-touch-me attitude’. These amazing animals can attack even when they are held by the neck. They are also essentially immune to snake venom and scorpions.

While most people’s money would be on the lion should the two species come head-to-head, these members of the weasel family have been known to chase off the ‘King of the Jungle’ on some occasions.


A group of tourists experienced a very rare wildlife sighting during one of their game drives at and Beyond Kirkman’s Kamp in the Sabi Sand Private Game Reserve recently.

Speaking to Latest Sightings, field guide Dan Fiser and business consultant Paola Murguia said they were parked on the Sand River Bank watching a mother leopard and her two cubs.

Fiser and his passengers followed the trio as they moved upstream.


“The two cubs walked into the reeds and we heard a loud commotion which the mother reacted to. Then all three appeared, wrestling with a honey badger.”

Fiser said they initially thought the leopard cubs had caught something, but says they were shocked when they realised a honey badger was their victim as the mammals are well known for being fearless and tough animals.

The honey badger, however, was not about to disappoint its audience and bravely stood its ground fighting back ferociously while the three leopards took turns tossing him around, trying to get the upper hand.   


Fiser said they did at one point feel that it was an unfair fight – a honey badger versus three leopards, but added that one should never underestimate the underdog.

Fiser said they have no idea why the leopards decided to attack the honey badger, but after a couple of rounds of jumping around and baring their teeth, the trio realised that this was one fight they were not going to win.

The honey badger, known for its reputation, as the bush’s tough little cookie, walked away pretty much unscathed, full of confidence that the three wild cats would not attack him from behind.


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Published by
By Xanet Scheepers