Categories: Travel

Gangs Of Ballet’s eclectic paradise

With an eclectic mix of alternative rock and melodic pop riffs, the Durban-based quartet are a mash up of Coldplay, Snow Patrol and Muse. From their days of being a garage band – playing at a friend’s house on shoddy equipment and getting the cops called to shut them up – Gangs Of Ballet have given it their all, doing session work and freebies in some tough conditions to get the experience under their belts.

With the release of the new album, however, there’s clear improvement in their live performance, showing a dedication to not only producing good quality recordings, but to bettering their live shows at the same time.




Their new sound is a lot heavier than their previous material, allowing for more amplified guitars and drums. The band members are out to prove they have what it takes to be SA’s next big act and they certainly did well at the launch.

Singer and guitarist Brad Klynsmith (pictured), with his cordless guitar, jumped off the stage and walked around in the crowd during the performance, inciting a flurry of fans to crowd around him. This was a top performance, enhanced by all the lights, smoke machines and thrashing solos.

With this new and improved sound, hit single Hello Sweet World may seem almost like a novelty to some listeners.

On the downside, the sound at the House Of Yamaha was inexcusably loud for such a small venue.