Categories: Local Soccer

Pirates coach robbed by ‘prostitutes’

According to The Sunday World, Vukusic reported the ladies at Randburg Police Station, claiming they robbed him of R1 000 cash and two Samsung cellphones worth R5 000.

In a police statement, Vukisic said the two women approached him after he stopped at a robot, told him he looked lost, and offered to help him get to his destination.

The goalkeeper coach reportedly agreed that he was lost, as he was trying to find the venue where his teammates were.

He said 20 minutes into their drive, one of the women made a phone call and spoke for about five minutes in a language the Serb could not understand.

“I asked them if we are getting closer, and they said we were, so I continued driving,” Vukisic is quoted as saying.

He added he got suspicious when one of the women started caressing his shoulder while he was driving.

“Then all of a sudden, I saw three ladies sitting on the road with five kids. I stopped the car out of shock, and the two ladies I was with grabbed my hands and held them on the back of the driver’s seat,” he said.

He said as his hands were held, the three women who were sitting on the road with kids came running to his car and started searching him and the car for money.

Police spokesperson Mmakgomo Semono confirmed the case.

“The investigations are ongoing, and the suspects have not been arrested.”

Pirates administrator Floyd Mbele said: “The coach is fine, though he is shaken by the incident. He was lost, and there’s no way he could have known that the ladies were prostitutes.”