Categories: Mgosi

Pirates target staying put at SuperSport

The Buccaneers have been reportedly after the 25-year-old as they have struggled to have a reliable shot-stopper since the untimely death of Senzo Meyiwa.

“Ronwen is not going anywhere, he loves the team and he wants to stay with the club. Although there is a friendly rivalry with Reyaad Pieterse, both players are enjoying the competition,” revealed a source close to the situation at Matsantsantsa.

Earlier, a source in the Pirates camp revealed to Phakaaathi that goalkeeper Brighton Mhlongo is likely to be part of a swap deal that will see him join SuperSport, while Williams will join the Buccaneers during the transfer window.

“I believe the negotiations are at an advanced stage right now. The technical team wants to fix their goalkeeping department and Williams has been identified as a perfect signing. He (Mhlongo) already knows about the situation, but the news has not sat well with him,” sad the source.

READ: Pirates in goalkeeper swap deal