Categories: Local Soccer

Furman: We train like Baxter will be here for the next 10 years

Baxter is set to begin his second spell at Bafana Bafana at the end of the current season, and the skipper says the players have been going on about their business as usual.

“Nothing’s changed, we have been training as if he will be here for the next 10 years, we are still fully focused in the job at hand and we continue as if nothing is going to change,” said Furman ahead of their Caf Confederation Cup Group D opener at home to Guinea side Horoya AC on Friday evening.

“The mood is good, we are coming off good victories in the last couple of days. The lads have been well rested and recovered. We know the importance of the Caf competition and we have also seen in our qualification campaign the importance of winning at home because we know how difficult it can be to go and get victories in the continent,” said the 28-year-old.

Baxter, meanwhile, has admitted that his side’s performance has been suffering during the prolonged speculation of his Bafana appointment, but now that Baxter is Bafana-bound, the former Kaizer Chiefs coach says normality has been restored.

“The worst part for us was when there was a lot of uncertainty. And the uncertainty became slightly destabilising, that together with other things,” he said.

He added: “The constant questions that I and the players couldn’t answer, the club couldn’t answer. When it became clear, I think the players in their mind are okay, as Dean said. Now we know what’s happening, there is clarity, we can push with certainty. The players have played with that clarity over the last few games, and that is important.”