Categories: Local Soccer

Furman shifting focus to Caf after MTN8 triumph

The 29-year-old skipper, who had fans chanting ‘Mlungu’ whenever he was on the ball in his early days in Bafana Bafana colours, wants to make sure SuperSport go all the way and win the Confederation Cup like they did in the MTN8 this past weekend, when they beat Benni McCarthy’s Cape Town City 4-2 on penalties.

Matsatsantsa are set to play the return-leg of their semi-final this Sunday after playing out to a 1-1 draw against Tunisian side Club Africain in Pretoria.

“As players that is huge for us, we want that star on our jersey,” said Furman.

“We know what is up for grabs and if we can go out and win it. We will really cement our place in SuperSport’s history and we will be spoken about for a very long time and as players that is something that we are all striving for.

“We knew that it was going to be hard from the start and we have done incredible journeys and if you factor in everything we have gone through and got this far it makes it huge for us to go all the way,” he added.

Furman believes they will jet off with all the intelligence on the North Africans.

“For us, as players, to have a coach like Eric Tinkler who has not only been there as a coach but also as a player, he knows what it takes to really go and win huge competitions and that is the sort of experience that he is parting to us and we can’t put a price on it,” he said.

“The knowledge of the opposition and how he analyses the games and makes sure that we are fully aware of what is going to come our way. For us as players we have to implement that on the pitch, but having a coach of his experience allows us to prepare in a perfect way,” concluded Furman.