Categories: Local Soccer

Chiefs defender accused of abusing girlfriend

Mirwa’s girlfriend, Tebogo Mokgodi exposed the abusive nature of the defender on social media.

“I am tired now, I’ve to speak out, Letlohogonolo Richard Mirwa he’s abusive man, that man abused me & I’m not only 1 (sic),” wrote Mokgodi on twitter.

Mokgodi added that she lost a baby due to the abuse she endured at the hands of Mirwa.

The 21-year-old says she has not opened a case because she fears for her life.

“He’s threatened to kill me. I am not answering your calls anymore,” Mokgodi told SundaySun.

Letlhohonolo allegedly refused to comment, saying: “I don’t want to talk about her or the allegations.”