Categories: Rugby

Things to look out for in this weekend’s Currie Cup action

If there’s one defining theme in this weekend’s Currie Cup, it’s the Jukskei derby between the Lions and Blue Bulls at Ellis Park on Saturday.

But it won’t be about the two neighbours’ players and their battle on the field, rather two personalities off it.

Also read: Currie Cup rules promoting danger and cheating, say coaches

Victor Matfield, a Bulls legend, will now plot against them as the Lions’ forward coach, while John Mitchell returns for Doornfontein for the first time since his acrimonious break-up with the union in 2012.

Elsewhere, the Sharks and Western Province need to fend off the cheery underdogs, Griquas and the Pumas.

Here are the talking points for the weekend.

Mitchell and Matfield keep it professional

One of the legacies of Apartheid is that it entrenched provincialism in the average South African fan.

We still find it intriguing when a prominent player or coach defects to an archenemy, which is why John Mitchell and Victor Matfield are under the spotlight.

But both aren’t dwelling on their former glories (and trials) with the Lions and Bulls respectively.

“I actually got asked that question earlier in the week,” said Mitchell.

“I really haven’t thought about it too much. I’m a professional coach. The Lions have set a benchmark and local rugby needs that. We’re in the chasing pack and eventually we want to try and surpass them. There are friends there that will always remain. But I’m not thinking of the past.”

Matfield is also only looking forward, not back.

“It’s great to work with these young guys. It’s a culture the Lions started five, six years ago. It’s great to see how they get better and the willingness they show to learn,” he said.

“It’s going to be great to be playing against the Bulls and it’s an important game for us; almost a must-win situation.”

Lions now seriously plan for yellow cards

Naturally the Lions don’t set out to get slapped with a sin-binning in every game but the frequency makes it feel that way.

Indeed, Swys de Bruin’s troops continue to struggle keeping 15 men on the field for 80 minutes.

Some of their discipline problems have been their own fault yet it also seems they’re pulling the short straw too at times.

“We’ve actually rehearsed it in training. I sent a guy off. It’s starting to happen too often now, so it’s a reality we’re having to deal with,” he said.

They defended well in Kimberley last week when Kwagga Smith was off, so it’s an approach that seems to be paying off.

Sharks sitting pretty but they don’t look pretty

Robert du Preez’s Durbanites have been setting the pace in the tournament for quite a while now.

However, the table-toppers actually haven’t been playing all that well in the last few weeks.

Last week’s 27-25 escape against the Pumas was a case in point and the Sharks mentor knows it’s a trend that can’t continue, even though they face a wounded Griquas in Kimberley on Friday afternoon.

“We’re not thinking too far ahead but this game is really important for us to show we can take it to the next level,” said Du Preez.

“Our performances – despite still getting positive results – isn’t good enough for this team. We’re capable of far more.”

Province back Willemse to the hilt

There were suggestions this week that Western Province coach John Dobson could rest the gifted 19-year-old flyhalf Damian Willemse.

But he’s not planning on any rotation.

In fact, Dobson believes it’s vital to give the Junior Springbok as much game-time as possible.

“I only took him off last week because of a knock to his ribs. I’m happy with the way he’s gone. I have no plans to change,” he said.

“It would require injury or a dramatic loss of form for that to happen. We’ve got a responsibility to him and the union to do anything we can to develop him.”

Fixtures: Griquas v Sharks (Friday, 5.00pm); Pumas v Western Province (Friday, 7.15pm); Lions v Bulls (Saturday, 5.15pm)