The National Horseracing Author¬ity confirms that at an Inquiry held at its Durban office on 30 Jan¬uary 2017 Trainer L G Denysschen was charged.
BACK TO BEST. Unagi (Andrew Fortune) regains his best form and leads all the way to beat fast-finishing Shukamisa and Pagoda. Unagi, trained by Gary Alexander, went off at 4-1. Picture: JC Photographics
The National Horseracing Authority confirms that at an Inquiry held at its Durban office on 30 January 2017 Trainer L G Denysschen was charged with the following:
Mr Denysschen pleaded not guilty but was found guilty of the above charges.
In considering a sentence, the Inquiry Board took into account the evidence advanced, both in mitigation and aggravation of sentence and in particular:-
– the fact that Mr Denysschen had five separate findings in respect of a prohibited substance namely, Caffeine, within a period of five weeks.
– this is a second offence for the same prohibited substance.
– the prohibited substance Caaffeine is a performance enhancing drug.
– the racing public is directly prejudiced by this type of conduct and The NHA is obliged to protect racing in South Africa. Five separate findings in respect of prohibited substance has a severely negative impact on the image of racing.
The Inquiry Board imposed a fine of R180,000. In terms of Rule 72.3.2, each horse, namely PURE VALOR, FOR EVER, FASHION FUSION and PRINCIPATE, is disqualified from the abovementioned races they participated in and in respect of which the provisions of Rule 67.7.8 shall apply. – NHA
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