Categories: Cricket

Bloemfontein left red-faced as late lunch delays play

For the most part, Test cricket’s return to Bloemfontein moved smoothly early on Friday with the Proteas making an excellent start.

However, there was one rather unexpected – and rather embarrassing – hitch.

The start of the second session had to be delayed by 10 minutes after the delivery of Bangladesh’s Halaal lunch was delayed.

Also read: Bees stop play at the Wanderers before an unlikely hero arrives!

Members of the media had an inkling of such a situation as travelling journalists also had to hang around to wait for their plates of food.

Officials confirmed there were no uncontrollable factors such as heavy traffic or parking that could’ve influenced the late delivery.

All the sessions will now be pushed forward by 10 minutes.

Earlier this year, the third ODI between the Proteas and Sri Lanka at the Wanderers had to be interrupted after a swarm of bees presented a real danger for the players.

The last time Bloemfontein hosted a Test was in 2008, ironically a match between South African and Bangladesh.

The Proteas were 126/0 going into the second session.