Seven ways to spring clean your skin care

It’s not just your home that needs a spring clean. You beauty routine may need one too.

Spring, a time for renewal, for growth and for spending more time in the sunshine. It’s been a long winter, most of it spent indoors, so it’s with a collective sigh of relief that we can finally enjoy the warmer weather – all safety and germ protection measures in place of course. “While our spirits may be high with the sights and sounds of Spring, it’s likely your skin is still experiencing the winter blues; dehydrated and dry, especially on the heels, knees and elbows, as well as stressed-out, dull and undernourished skin on your face,” explains Clere skin care brand manager Su-Marie Annandale.

She adds that when our feet and legs aren’t on display the way they are during the warmer weather, we tend not to moisturise as much, and we don’t pay as much attention to things like dry cuticles; unfortunately, it doesn’t take long for skin that is neglected to react, becoming dry, flaky, and sometimes even red and inflamed.

Come a new season it’s just as important to relook our skin care regime as it is our wardrobe. While a complete overhaul isn’t necessary, a few adjustments will help you look and feel better, not to mention keep your skin healthy. Here are some top tips:

  1. Spring clean your beauty stash – Spring cleaning doesn’t only refer to combing through the unworn clothes in your closet or boxes in your garage. Your beauty stash also requires a good clean out. Look over your skin care products — including topicals, make-up brushes and hairbrushes — and clean out. Discard any expired products as these can have bacteria build-up and ingredients may no longer be active. It’s also a good time to reassess your skin type and consider what your regimen might need added or removed. Determine if you’re dealing with oily, dry, dull, irritated or acne-prone skin and opt for products that cater to your specific needs.
  2. Exfoliate more – Coming out of winter our skin will be a little on the dry and dehydrated side, making our pores look enlarged and our tone dull and red from the chilly temperatures and lack of moisture. As the weather warms up and our activity increases, our metabolism, circulation, and oil production all get back into gear instantly brightening the complexion, however this is also a great time to exfoliate. Exfoliation speeds up the process of removing old skin cells so that new ones can emerge. For your body, a gentle physical exfoliator made with sugar, salt or finely-ground plant material can be used. For the more delicate skin on your face, consider a milder exfoliator.
  3. Drink more water – Hydration is just as important for your skin in the spring as it is in the winter. Drinking up to eight glasses of water a day will help ride your body of toxins and keep your skin from getting dry and flaky.
  4. Adjust your moisturiser – Consider scaling back on the thickness and richness of the moisturising products you were using in winter and choose a lighter moisturiser to keep your skin healthy and hydrated without weighing it down.
  5. Get a facial – A visit to the spa during a seasonal change isn’t just a way to pamper yourself, it’s also a great time of year for pick-me-up treatments that refine skin texture or boost collagen production.
  6. Eat fresh fruit and vegetables – A great way to get more water into your day, without actually having another glass of water, is by snacking on fresh fruit and vegetables. Top fruits and vegetables for optimal skin health include citrus, grapefruit, apples, watermelon, carrots, broccoli, and lettuce.
  7. Apply sunscreen – This is one of the easiest ways you can prevent damage and keep your skin healthy throughout the year. With an increased exposure to sun in the warmer months, it’s even more important to be diligent about applying sunscreen. Apply an SPF daily on top of your preferred Clere lotion or crème formulation.

Look out for the Clere range of lotions and crèmes, which have four formulations to choose from – Tissue Oil and Pure Glycerine, Triple Glycerine, Pure Glycerine Crème and Glycerine Gel), all available in different fragrances and catering to different skin needs. All four Clere skincare formulations provide 48-hour moisturisation and contain Vitamins E & A.  Choose from Cocoa Butter, Tropical Coconut, Lanolin & Glycerine, Avocado Milk, Powder Fresh, Rich Musk, Vanilla Honey Cream and Berries & Cream.. The Clere range of crèmes and lotions are available at all leading stores and cost from R21.99 to  R34.99.

Details: visit Clere on Facebook and Instagram

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