How to get your child hooked on reading books

Reading is a great way for children to relax while learning. Here are ways parents can encourage their children's love of reading.

One of the best ways to encourage your child to read is to start children reading early on, so it becomes a way of life long before busy schedules take over. Also, keep in mind that you are your child’s greatest role model: When children see adults reading for fun, they grow up with the idea that reading is a worthwhile activity.

As your children grow older, find ways to keep them hooked on books, with these tips:

Keep lots of books in your home

Invest in a variety of books your child will enjoy reading. Instead of buying toys or video games that your child will only use once or twice, let them purchase a set of books you can read with them.

Reading on the road

Street signs, road names, and billboards are a part of daily life. So why not use them as a reading resource? As you travel home, you can play reading games, such as finding words and creating sentences and stories with them from the print they see around all around them. You’ll find that children, particularly much younger ones, love it.

The right read

Getting books that speak to your child’s interests makes them want to read.

If your child shows an interest in ballet or soccer, for example, try getting them books on these subjects from the library. You’ll be amazed to see how kids love books about subject matters about which they’re passionate. Regardless of what their genre of interest is, remember to be supportive.

If you have a reluctant reader who only wants to read comics then embrace this you may just be amazed by the result in the long run.

Read with – or to – your child daily

Research shows that being told stories and being read to at home are crucial for educational success. So even if you don’t have access to books or live out of reach of a library, storytelling is a great way to develop your child’s early literacy – whether it’s through songs, games, or play.

15 Minutes may not sound like a lot, but just 15 minutes of reading a day with your kids can go a long way to developing their literacy. In fact, research has shown that even just 15 minutes of reading with your children each day can expose them to roughly one million written words in a year. And best of all, it means you get to spend some quality time with your little ones, and find a moment to reconnect in this bustling world.  

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