Hacks for travelling with young children

We've rounded up the best travel hacks from baby and toddler experts so you can enjoy travelling with your child - no matter their age.

The first most important step in ensuring a successful trip with young children is to plan ahead (well, well ahead!). Create a checklist to help you make sure that you don’t forget anything. Include items like weather-appropriate clothes, age-appropriate snacks, toys, wet wipes, and other essentials on your list.

By car

Travel during nap or bedtime

Paediatrician and Pampers® Institute Expert, Dr Hetan Hari recommends planning your trip around your child’s routine and traveling at night or early morning when they’re most likely to be sleeping. It’s much easier to travel with a sleeping child than having to cope with an energetic child who wants to stand up, crawl, walk or sing and play during the drive. This way you won’t disturb your little one’s sleeping patterns either.

Take regular breaks

Take regular breaks during your trip. This will give you a chance to stretch your legs and freshen up. Breaks are equally important for kids. They have a short attention span and need to move around. Look for a rest stop with a play area or jungle gym where they can play for about 30 minutes while you enjoy a cup of coffee.

What to pack

Sister Lilian suggests the following essentials for your travel bag:

By plane

Feed during take-off and landing

Pressure changes are very uncomfortable, and young children don’t know how to unblock their own ears. Sucking and swallowing helps to keep your child’s ears unblocked. If you have a baby, bottle or breastfeed your little one when the plane takes off, and just as the plane descends (which is right about the time when your ears pop) – this will help ease the pressure. For older children, sucking on hard candy (only if your child is over 3 years old) can help.



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