Why it feels as if your back is in a knot

Watch this video to see how to relieve back pain:

Back pain is very familiar among many of us. It often interferes with our daily lives, stopping us from doing what we love.


Conditions of the spine such as osteoporosis can lead to back pain. The human back is a complex structure of muscles, ligaments, tendons, disks and bones, which work together to support the body and enable us to move around. The segments of the spine are cushioned with cartilage-like pads called disks.

Problems with any of these components can lead to back pain. In some cases the cause of back pain remains unclear. Damage can result from strain, injury and poor posture, among others.


Back pain usually resolves with rest and home remedies, but sometimes medical treatment is necessary.

Home treatments

Over-the-counter (OTC) pain relief medication, usually non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID) such as ibuprofen, can relieve discomfort. Applying a hot compress or an ice pack to the painful area may also reduce pain.

Resting from strenuous activity can help, but moving around will ease stiffness, reduce pain, and prevent muscles from weakening.

Medical treatment

If home treatments do not relieve back pain, a doctor may recommend medication, physical therapy, or both.

Medication: Back pain that does not respond well to OTC painkillers may require a prescription NSAID. Codeine or hydrocodone, which are narcotics, may be prescribed for short periods. These require close monitoring by the doctor. In some cases, muscle relaxants may be used.

Antidepressants, such as amitriptyline, may be prescribed, but research is ongoing as to their effectiveness, and the evidence is conflicting.


Surgery for back pain is very rare. If a patient has a herniated disk surgery may be an option, especially if there is persistent pain and nerve compression which can lead to muscle weakness.


Steps to lower the risk of developing back pain consist mainly of addressing some of the risk factors.

Exercise: Regular exercise helps build strength and control body weight. Guided, low-impact aerobic activities can boost heart health without straining or jerking the back. Before starting any exercise programme, consult a health care professional.

There are two main types of exercise that people can do to reduce the risk of back pain:

Core-strengthening exercises work the abdominal and back muscles, helping to strengthen muscles that protect the back.

Flexibility training aims at improving core flexibility, including the spine, hips, and upper legs.

Diet: Make sure your diet includes enough calcium and vitamin D, as these are needed for bone health. A healthy diet also helps control body weight.

Smoking: A significantly higher percentage of smokers have back pain, compared to non-smokers of the same age, height, and weight.

Body weight: The weight people carry and where they carry it affects the risk of developing back pain. The difference in back pain risk between obese and normal-weight individuals is considerable. People who carry their weight in the abdominal area versus the buttocks and hip area are also at greater risk.

Posture when standing: Make sure you have a neutral pelvic position. Stand upright, head facing forward, back straight, and balance your weight evenly on both feet. Keep your legs straight and your head in line with your spine.

If you regularly use a computer, it is important to ensure that you have a chair with good back support and adopt a good posture and head position.

Posture when sitting: A good seat for working should have good back support, arm rests and a swivel base. When sitting, try to keep your knees and hips level and keep your feet flat on the floor, or use a footstool. You should ideally be able to sit upright with support in the small of your back. If you are using a keyboard, make sure your elbows are at right-angles and that your forearms are horizontal.

Lifting: When lifting things, use your legs to do the lifting, rather than your back.

Keep your back as straight as you can, keeping your feet apart with one leg slightly forward so you can maintain balance. Bend only at the knees, hold the weight close to your body, and straighten the legs while changing the position of your back as little as possible. Bending your back initially is unavoidable, but when you bend your back try not to stoop, and be sure to tighten your stomach muscles so that your pelvis is pulled in. Most importantly, do not straighten your legs before lifting, or you will be using your back for most of the work.

Do not lift and twist at the same time: If something is particularly heavy, see if you can lift it with someone else. While you are lifting keep looking straight ahead, not up or down, so that the back of your neck is like a continuous straight line from your spine.

Moving things: It is better for your back to push things across the floor, using your leg strength, rather than pulling them.

Shoes: Flat shoes place less strain on the back.

Driving: It is important to have proper support for your back. Make sure the wing mirrors are properly positioned so you do not need to twist. The pedals should be squarely in front of your feet. If you are on a long journey, have plenty of breaks. Get out of the car and walk around.

Bed: You should have a mattress that keeps your spine straight, while at the same time supporting the weight of your shoulders and buttocks. Use a pillow, but not one that forces your neck into a steep angle.

Watch this video to help you relieve back pain:

Source: https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles

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