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Strategies for parents to survive lockdown

Candice shares practical tips to help families stay connected during the lockdown

Tag, you’re it! For most parents, we are perhaps feeling as though we have been ‘thrown’ into the middle of a game board, where we don’t know the rules, there are no ‘Do not pass Go’ or “Get out of jail free’ cards. We feel trapped and can’t seem to exit the game. 

Welcome to the Lockdown Survival Island game. Where you will be isolated, have a restriction on food. There is no extra assistance from external friends/family/helpers, just yourself or your partner. You also have to teach your child and keep them stimulated with crafts, creativity, school activities. You need to provide home-cooked meals every day. You are required to fulfil your current career responsibilities as well and keep the island clean and fairly organized. Whoa! Take a deep breath.

I’m going to share with you some strategies we have done and implemented. Pick one or two or try them all. May they bring some positive results and help you achieve more stability and ‘game rules’ for you and your family. 

My 5 Survival Strategies are:

#1 Switch To Game Mode

Take a lesson from your kids here, when it’s a game it’s always more fun. Children use play as a way to de-stress as well. So if a little meltdown is brewing or whining is in progress find a way to turn it into a game. For little ones ask them to shake like a jelly-fish, stomp the ‘grumpies’ away. If you want your kids to co-operate more easily, turn it into a game or little challenge. Example: Can you hop on one foot and brush your teeth? Who can unpack the dishes quicker? Then a little reward, the winner gets to choose which program or game we play later. 

(FYI: this tip also works well on Husbands. Challenge and then reward. Its game on!)

#2 Self-care and Me- time

Make the time for each person in the family to enjoy some ‘alone time’. As a Mom, specifically, it will help you recharge and find your ‘zen’. Each person can have planned time to enjoy doing their hobby, read, yoga, exercise, meditation, or craft. Make sure that your partner takes over for 60mins and you’re not to be disturbed. Put on your favourite music, have that candlelight bath, or read a magazine with a bar of chocolate. Whatever brings you joy and helps you relax. You will feel the benefit of doing this daily or at least once a week. 

You’ll be able to parent better and with more patience. Your ‘love tank’ will be recharged so you’ll have more love to go around for everyone. Let your partner then have their turn and you’ll both have reduced stress levels and more harmony between you. 

#3 New vs Old Routines

As humans, we like and rely on predictable patterns to help us know what to expect. During this time, stick to some of your usual routines like getting up at the same time. Remember what you do have control over. But also create a new schedule that incorporates some school-time for the kids, free time, family afternoon game time, and then flow into the usual dinner, bath and bed routine. You ideally want to ensure a variety of tasks for the day. 

To help differentiate the weekends, plan special events. For example, a family movie night on a Saturday or your spiritual practice on a Sunday morning (get onto a YouTube church service, read a Bible story, or sing your spiritual songs). 

#4 Connection Is A Human Need

I am deeply grateful for technology (and WiFi) right now that can enable us to communicate with family and friends around the world. Plan video calls with loved ones daily. Let your children chat with their school buddies, they will benefit from peer interaction. My daughter has enjoyed ‘virtual colouring in’ with her friends. 

There are also loads of great online talks and classes on offer. From cooking, eyelash curling, entrepreneurial coaches, home-schooling, exercise, languages, photography, and more. Plug in to keep you motivated and help pass this time with purpose. You may just discover something that you didn’t know about yourself or your partner. Get curious and get connected!

#5 Make The Ordinary Fun

The ordinary could always do with some sparks of creativity to change it up a bit. Last week we had a crazy hat dinner. We decorated our hat with ribbons, feathers, flowers, and wore them at the table. It created some excitement and laughs. (laughter relieves tension in the body and boosts our happy hormones). Think face painting, dress up in the same colour clothes or wear funny masks. Many ideas when you start thinking about it. Remember the crazier and funnier the more your kids will love it! 

I honour all parents out there, you are awesome and doing the best you can. Remember, this too shall pass. 

Enjoy making happy memories! Make it count and when in doubt, Love it Out! 

Short Bio:

Candice Luck

Candice refers to herself as a Well-Being Facilitator, learning about holistic and wellness practices from age 13. With her degree in Psychological Counselling, she blends her accumulated wisdom to teach, inspire, support and motivate Amazing Mammas. Her wish for each, to achieve their personal expression of well-being, living life fully and able to enjoy a connected family.  She believes that, ‘with your well-being in place, you can then achieve everything and anything in your life.’

Candice is a Mother to her phenomenal, kind-hearted 6 year old daughter and been with her Husband (aka her anchor) for over 18 years. She deeply cherishes all her family, friends and their 3 cats and Zoomy, the hamster (her daughter’s newest addition to the family).

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