The woman, a hyena handler, suffered a partial amputation.
Photo: Les Faber
In Brits, North West, an emergency helicopter meant for the truck driver instead had to fly a woman to hospital for emergency care after being bitten by a hyena, Kormorant reports.
Paramedics from the Emer-G-Med Emergency Rescue Services were attending to a trapped truck driver after a sand truck collided with another large truck on the R512.
According to Emer-G-Med operations manager Jurgen Kotze‚ the extrication process took about 90 minutes.
READ MORE: VIDEO: Two Hyenas drag Kudu to the death
Photo: Emer-G-Med
He said while the paramedics were working on the truck driver, a car came through the backup traffic with a badly injured woman in her 50s.
“The woman had tried to break up a fight between two hyenas on a neighbouring game farm and subsequently suffered a partial amputation of her left hand,” he said.
The woman is believed to be a hyena handler. She was flown to the Millpark hospital, and the truck driver was transported to hospital via ambulance. He sustained a possible fractured pelvis and two fractured femurs.
– Caxton News Service
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