Over 100 people are protesting against a 'corrupt' councillor and motorists are advised to use alternative routes.
A timber truck has been set alight during a protest at Doringkop.
Thousands of rands have gone up in flames after a truck with a full load of timber was set alight by protesters this morning on the P110 in Doringkop, Sokesimbone, in KwaZulu-Natal, the North Coast Courier reports.
According to a source residing in the area, the protesters are unhappy with Ward 1 councillor Dumsani Ndimande, who is being accused of corrupting the ongoing housing project amid demands that he step down.
“There have been multiple resident meetings held to discuss this issue, but there has been no response.
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“Residents from Somkhanya are expected to join the protest.”
Protest action reportedly began yesterday evening when protesters stoned a truck carrying local produce.
There are reportedly 100 people on the road and motorists are advised to use alternative routes.
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