The taxi failed to stop at the red light in time and hit the learner.

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An Empangeni resident was left bewildered when he witnessed a taxi knock over a high school learner on Wednesday morning, Zululand Observer reports.
Douw Willemse’s dashcam captured a taxi bumping into a learner crossing the road at the President Swart Street and the Durnford Road intersection.
“It was close to 6:30am and I was on my way to work. Something caught my eye and I saw the taxi hit something, but I wasn’t sure what it was. At first I thought it was a bin. Only when I got to work and was able to download my dashcam footage, did I see that it was a scholar,” said Willemse.
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In the footage, the taxi can be seen approaching the intersection on President Swart Street. The traffic light is red, thus the learner must have been crossing the road. The taxi however fails to stop in time and hits the learner.
Willemse said: “He could not believe what he saw when he looked at the footage. The taxi had an NUF registration, but I didn’t get the entire registration,” he said.
– Caxton News Service
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