Tshwane is disconnecting electricity supply to big businesses, SOEs and government departments, and all owing it a total of R17 billion.
A City of Tshwane official disconnects the South African Women's Federation's electricity, after millions in non-payments. Photo: Twitter/@CityTshwane
The City of Tshwane’s revenue collection campaign is in full swing, and will soon reach residential customers in suburbs, townships, complexes and estates, including golf courses owing it R17 billion.
While it has been fun watching the city disconnecting electricity supply to big businesses, SOEs and government departments, the city has warned that residents are next in line as it hopes to collect at least R5 billion during the first phase of this campaign.
City spokesperson Selby Bokaba said there has been so far “an overwhelming response from our customers and we’ve been inundated with calls from customers inquiring about the process to follow to make arrangements for the payment of their accounts that are in arrears”.
Bokaba said that the city has been resilient on its aggressive campaign to make sure customers pay up despite some playing hard ball and intimidating its officials.
Although he could not give figures as to how much has been collected so far or how close they are to their target, he said some customers have cooperated with the process.
ALSO READ: ‘We mean business!’: City of Tshwane disconnects non-payers
“We’ve not yet quantified how much we have received from our targeted defaulting customers. We will do that exercise over the weekend,” he explained.
“I can confirm though that, there have been a number of entities whose services we had disconnected that had come forward to settle their accounts in full, while others made arrangements by paying 60% of their debts. Some of the entities that had been disconnected have since been reconnected.”
He said that this is an ongoing exercise which will cease after the city has collected all the outstanding monies owed.
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