WATCH LIVE: Anoj ‘Mr Cash’ Singh back at state capture

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By Citizen Reporter


After testifying at the Zondo commission just a few hours ago, former Transnet CFO Anoj Singh is back in the hot seat.

After testifying before the Commission of Inquiry into Allegations of State Capture, Corruption and Fraud just a few hours ago, former Transnet chief financial officer Anoj Singh is back on Friday morning. 

Singh told commission chairperson Deputy Chief Justice Raymond Zondo during his testimony in March he had four safety vaults for his family members at Knox Vault in Killarney, Johannesburg.

ALSO READ: ‘Mr Cash’ Singh can’t handle Zondo heat, asks for adjournment

The information was provided to the commission last year by Singh’s former driver and bodyguard, unnamed Witness 3. 

But the witness’s identity was accidentally revealed by Singh, with Singh saying he believed the witness was being put under pressure by people from Transnet and the commission’s investigators to deliver his testimony.

Watch the live proceedings, courtesy of SABC News, below. 

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