We're just hoping the donkey cart driver is okay after this little roadside mishap.
Picture: YouTube screengrab
A video doing the rounds of two Afrikaners trying to help a guy get his donkey cart and three donkeys back on the road really does demonstrate why the phrase “stubborn as a mule” is a thing.
In the video, the well-meaning farmers first attempt to pull the cart back onto the gravel road while hoping they can get the donkeys to walk backwards. Then they try to push the donkeys, but they just decide they’ve had enough and walk off, pulling the cart with them.
The result is kind of hilarious (the man doing the filming can’t contain his laughter) but we’re hoping the cart driver is okay.
We’re not sure where this clip was taken, or when. Take a look below. Warning: it does feature some strong Afrikaans language.
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