A homeowner's palisade fence had a close shave this Saturday evening, but fortunately only his lawn was injured.

Picture: Video screenshot
In footage from a homeowner given to the Middelburg Observer this week, a car can be seen careening around a corner and rolling to a stop on its side in front of Ruan Fourie’s yard.
His security cameras captured the incident early on Saturday evening, including dramatic audio of the tyres screeching.
Fourie said three people climbed out of the car before pushing their vehicle back on to its wheels and driving off again before any police or traffic officials could arrive.
Observers who came out to check on the commotion commented that the people seemed to be under the influence.
Fourie told the Observer that he’d love to know how someone could lose control of their car on such a straight road. He wondered if the driver had been attempting to drift, or maybe a passenger had pulled up the handbrake.
He shared the video with the hashtag #dontdrinkanddrive and said that, fortunately, only the grass appeared to have been injured.
Watch the full video below:
Translation by Charles Cilliers
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