South Africa

School turns hostel into isolation venue as 204 learners test positive for Covid-19

Makaula secondary school in the Eastern Cape’s hostel is being assessed to become an isolation venue as 204 pupils (and hostel assistants) from the school have tested positive for Covid-19. The use of the hostel is thought to be a measure that can stop the further spread from these 204 cases.

The school was one of the many in SA that were deemed ready to open on 8 June when schools reopened after their closure since the start of the coronavirus pandemic in SA.

Also Read: Over 1,500 pupils test positive for Covid-19 since schools reopened in the Western Cape


According to ENCA, a team of clinicians has already been dispatched to the school to assess where the hostel meets the necessary requirements to become a quarantine facility.

Also Read: A school hostel in Bloemfontein shuts down after a pupil tests positive for Covid-19
