Categories: South Africa

SA is ‘under siege’, Mahlobo warns

An ANC document reportedly accuses unnamed foreign intelligence agencies of working with ‘negative domestic forces’ to achieve regime change.

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By Citizen Reporter

With the ANC-led government increasingly losing a number of high-profile court cases and facing criticism from the media, ­­­­State Security Minister David Mahlobo has alleged there are forces at play in the country aimed at undermining government through the abuse of the judiciary and the media, among other institutions, to achieve their intentions.

Speaking during a press briefing by the justice, crime prevention and security cluster at the weekend, Mahlobo referred to people who “run to court on political matters to undermine decisions taken by the government”.

The minister’s views, according to a Business Day report on Monday, reportedly coincide with an ANC draft document prepared by the ruling party’s peace and stability committee to be deliberated at the party’s policy conference in June.

Sunday Times reported at the weekend that the document, which is undergoing editing, accuses unnamed foreign intelligence agencies of working with “negative domestic forces” to undermine the state and achieve unconstitutional regime change in the country.

The report alleged they were apparently using the media, nongovernmental and community-based organisations, foreign and domestic companies, the judiciary and religious and student organisations to achieve their ends.

“SA is not an exception from being attacked as a country. There are state and nonstate actors that are at play trying to exert influence over this government in one way or another. Some do this in a clandestine way to undermine us as a country,” Mahlobo said.

The minister said such actors were motivated by national or economic interests, and, in order for them to achieve their aims, they needed either witting or unwitting collaborators.

Issues such as education and unemployment were likely to be exploited as weaknesses in the country, Mahlobo added.

“Unfortunately, the media can be used. It is an important instrument to win the hearts and minds of individuals. Whoever controls the media has an advantage to control what goes out,” he said.



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By Citizen Reporter