Buying justice: Kubayi appalled by the state of Palm Ridge court
FILE PICTURE: Tony Yengeni. Picture: Ayi Leshabane.
Twitter was unimpressed on Wednesday at reports that the ANC was crying both ignorance and innocence about the “scourge of corruption”, which so often involves public officials that turn out to be ANC deployees.
Everyone from fellow politicians and celebrities tweeted about the disingenuousness of the ANC’s “shock”, with author Zakes Mda asking: “ANC shocked by the scale of corruption.” WTF? On whose watch did it happen? Are these not their cadres & deployees? Was the ANC not in SA over the years when media relentlessly exposed rampant corruption? Didn’t ANC insult & condemn those who exposed it? Really wtf?”
IOL reports: “ANC shocked by the scale of corruption.” WTF? On whose watch did it happen? Are these not their cadres & deployees? Was the ANC not in SA over the years when media relentlessly exposed rampant corruption? Didn’t ANC insult & condemn those who exposed it? Really wtf?
— Zakes Mda (@ZakesMda) June 26, 2018
When the ANC appointed corruption-convicted Tony Yengeni as the chairperson to lead a discussion in a group about fighting crime and corruption and controversial former North West premier Supra Mahumapelo was announced as the head of its political school, the irony was just too much for some.
The article that led to much of the reaction appeared in The Star this week, with the ANC apparently saying it was “shocked” by the scale of corruption in the state, admitting that it had been losing the battle to combat graft because of “powerful individuals” who had still “managed to loot government coffers”.
As part of its response to this “shocking” corruption, the ANC has “vowed to take a tougher stance on corruption as part of its election campaign, with measures including subjecting public servants and senior politicians to lifestyle audits”.
The ANC is planning how it will win support for re-election next year.
In its own research, the ANC has “admitted that in spite of creating institutions such as the Hawks and the Special Investigating Unit, there has been an increase in corruption cases”.
The line “we are shocked by the scale of corruption and the allegations of state capture, which we are determined to root out”, really had South Africans raising their eyebrows, despite the fact that the party has once again promised tough action against culprits.
“We will use Parliament, commissions, investigators and the courts to get to the bottom of the problem and deal with the offenders. As the ANC, we will take strong action against any of our leaders guilty of corruption.
“It is unacceptable that parts of the state have been used to serve personal interests,” the party said.
However, not everyone was buying it. Take a look below:
How can @MYANC admit it is shocked by its OWN corruption in the ANC. It's like a robber being caught then saying he is shocked by his own stealing? You have been caught out stealing from the poor and sick people of South Africa. Time for change. @GovernmentZA @SAgovnews
— Busted (Minister of Corruption) (@Bustthelooters) June 27, 2018
“The ANC is shocked by the extent of corruption.” Where do you live @MYANC? The nation is shocked that you ‘did not know’.
— Nomboniso Gasa (@nombonisogasa) June 26, 2018
South Africans watching as “ ANC is shocked by scale of corruption” whilst they appointing Tony as Chair of crime and corruption and Supra as head of political school.
New what what 🤔
— Ricardo Mackenzie MPL🇿🇦 (@ricardomackenzi) June 26, 2018
Yeah right. While @myanc is at it, my other leg needs pulling…
<<As the ANC, we will take strong action against any of our leaders guilty of corruption.>>
— Maggs Naidu ᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠ (@maggsnaidu) June 26, 2018
So the ANC kick starts it's 2019 election campaign & their first task is to lie to South Africans that they're "shocked" at the extent of corruption in South Africa.They've kickstarted a campaign to make total imbeciles of SAns,promising them heaven and earth. Same ish since 1994
— NtuthukoMdima🌟 (@Dclantis) June 26, 2018
It is this that makes some of us think we are being taken for a ride, literally. It is more briefing notes to pacify the public. How can they not be aware?
— Mbhazima Shilowa (@Enghumbhini) June 26, 2018
I am convinced that we misunderstand the ANC on corruption. They know it is happening and are against it. But like all parties they have to develop briefing notes for canvassers. It is there where they say if issue arises, say: We knew it was happening but shocked at scale
— Mbhazima Shilowa (@Enghumbhini) June 26, 2018
The ANC is shocked, shocked I say to discover that there has been corruption on these premises.
— Darrel Bristow-Bovey (@dbbovey) June 26, 2018
"The ANC is beyond redemption. The greed has become an inherent part of what people do."
— Mike, Caller @Eusebius
— 702 (@Radio702) June 26, 2018
“The ANC is shocked by the extent of corruption.”
South Africa on the other hand, is not so shocked.
— Jarrod Delport (@Jarrod_Delport) June 26, 2018
So #ANC is shocked by the level of corruption while thy cotribute abt 75% of the corruption in SA
— MADUMETŠA (@TeffuJoy) June 26, 2018
#ANC said it's “shocked” by scale of #corruption in SA, and has conceded that despite setting up mechanisms to combat graft, government coffers were looted.
The five stages of #ANC
1. denial,
2. anger,
3. bargaining,
4. depression,
5. acceptanceWhich step are they on now🤔
— South African Heroes (@SA_Heroes) June 26, 2018
Surely…The ANC is a joke? By saying you are shocked at the level of corruption is an admission that you don't know what is going on & that you have no idea what you doing. In other words you are saying you shudnt be governing the country 🤣🤣🤣
— Ebrahim Fakir (@EbrahimFakir) June 26, 2018
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