The Joburg mayor found himself in the hot seat on 702, where he was compared to Donald Trump for his views on foreign nationals.
Executive Mayor Herman Mashaba speaks at City of Joburg New Council Chamber,7 Niovember 2017 , with MMC for Environment and Infrastructure Services, Cllr Nico de Jager and MMC for Transport, Cllr Nonhlanhla Makhuba and City stakeholders on key City infrastructure which is on the brink of collapse and the solutions which the City will be implemented to arrest the decline. Picture: Nigel Sibanda
Johannesburg mayor Herman Mashaba says Home Affairs is failing South Africa when it comes to dealing with foreign nationals.
The mayor was doubling down on his previous claim that 80% of people found during city raids were foreign nationals, for which he received significant backlash against his perceived xenophobia.
AfricaCheck weighed in on the matter during the robust interview, and said the mayor’s 80% figure may have been overrated.
The mayor said the numbers were a challenge regardless. “Whether it’s 1% or 80%, it was already too much.”
Criminal syndicates hide behind “undocumented” foreign nationals living in the city, said the mayor.
He said Home Affairs was in contempt of the law. “They are supposed to make sure everyone is documented.”
The heated debate continued, with host Eusebius McKaiser stating Mashaba could not have a plan if the numbers were not hygienic, moments before accusing him of conducting himself as US President Donald Trump in his views.
Mashaba after the show penned a lengthy explanation to McKaiser to ensure his comments were not taken out of context.
Dear Eusebius,
I thank you for the interview today on illegal immigration. I got into politics, in large part, to enforce the idea that elected representatives must be accountable.
This accountability must be for our actions and inactions, our words and our ideas. This is why it is called Public Office.
In the debate, perhaps a couple of points were missed that need to be set straight.
I believe it is regrettable that such an important topic can be discussed and the entire focus becomes about unpicking a figure that was never projected as being beyond scrutiny.
The real debate which I suspect South Africans would like to have heard should have been about the magnitude of the crisis, how Home Affairs is failing dismally and how this impacts governments and people.
Liberalism, of which I am an avid believer, is often mistakenly taken to mean that we embrace anything, good or bad. This is patently wrong. Liberalism is about the rights of our Country being enshrined and protected at the level of the individual. This includes the rule of law and living in a Country where governments have responsibilities to protect these rights. One such responsibility involves proper control of who is in our Country.
When you are ready to have the debate most South Africans believe necessary, I would be delighted to back in your studio.
I would like to assure you, I appreciate robust debate because it is the only way we can grapple with the challenges we face in our Country.
Kind Regards,
Cllr Herman Mashaba
Executive Mayor
City of Johannesburg
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