Is Johannesburg on the brink of a major shake-up?
President Cyril Ramaphosa. Picture: Twitter/ANC
In a late-night press briefing, President Cyril Ramaphosa was due to address the nation on a number of apparently pressing matters.
The primary announcement was that the ruling party will be supporting an amendment to the constitution to make land expropriation without compensation legal.
He said that it had become “patently clear” that “the people” wanted expropriation without compensation to become “more explicit” in the constitution, to go beyond the current constitutional provisions for expropriation in the public interest.
He said the party would continue to follow parliamentary processes to change the law with the ultimate aim of increasing agricultural production, people’s access to land, and just and equitable redistribution, in a manner that would boost the economy.
He had earlier said that this was proof of democracy in action and was the ultimate effect of “what we have fought for”.
Ramaphosa said ANC secretary-general Ace Magashule would be providing further clarity and detail to media on Wednesday on what had been resolved at the party’s two-day lekgotla.
Although the party officially agreed to make land expropriation without compensation part of its policy at its elective conference in December, the party has been investigating the “modalities” of how this will be done, while parliament conducts public hearings into the issue after a motion was passed in parliament to change the constitution.
WATCH NOW: ANC President Cde @CyrilRamaphosa speaks to the nation on #ANCNEC Lekgotla resolutions on land redistribution and a stimulus package for jobs and economic growth. Catch the broadcast on all major local news channels.
— African National Congress (@MYANC) July 31, 2018
The ANC’s Twitter account said that he would be talking about the ANC’s national executive committee (NEC) lekgotla resolutions taken, “particularly on land redistribution and a stimulus package for jobs and economic growth”.
Ramaphosa discussed the stimulus package too in the wake of news that unemployment has risen, with particularly the manufacturing sector shedding alarming numbers of jobs.
ANC President Cde @CyrilRamaphosa gets ready to address the nation on the #ANCNEC Lekgotla resolutions taken, particularly on land redistribution & a stimulus package for jobs & economic growth. The broadcast will be carried this evening across all major local news broadcasters.
— African National Congress (@MYANC) July 31, 2018
Earlier in the day, the party was updating followers about its lekgotla.
#ANCNEC concludes its business following a two day Lekgotla focused on the economy, land and jobs, statecraft and transformation and well as human security and social wage.
— African National Congress (@MYANC) July 31, 2018
[IN PICTURES]: Day 2 #ANCNEC Lekgotla currently underway in Tshwane, Gauteng
— African National Congress (@MYANC) July 31, 2018
It’s Day 2 of the #ANCNEC Lekgotla. Commissions are reporting back to plenary.
— African National Congress (@MYANC) July 31, 2018
ANC President Cde @CyrilRamaphosa participates in the Commission on the Economy, Land and Jobs at the #ANCNEC Lekgotla in Tshwane, Gauteng
— African National Congress (@MYANC) July 30, 2018
ANC Deputy Secretary General Cde Jessie Duarte participates in the Commission on Social Wage & Human Security at the #ANCNEC Lekgotla @ANCDSGDuarte
— African National Congress (@MYANC) July 30, 2018
ANC Secretary General Cde Ace Magashule participates in the Commission on Statecraft & Transformation at the #ANCNEC Lekgotla
— African National Congress (@MYANC) July 30, 2018
[IN PICTURES]: Robust discussions are currently underway in the various commissions at the #ANCNEC Lekgotla
— African National Congress (@MYANC) July 30, 2018
Commissions are now underway at the #ANCNEC Lekgotla. Discussions are categorized to include: Economic Transformation & Jobs; Statecraft & Transformation; Social Wage & Human Security.
— African National Congress (@MYANC) July 30, 2018
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