'They are a pressure group fighting for the interests of those Zimbabweans who should now leave the shores of South Africa,' an analyst said.

South African National Defence Force (SANDF) members round-up suspected undocumented Zimbabwean nationals after attempting to illegally cross the border fence to smuggle goods and fuel into Zimbabwe from South Africa near the Beitbridge border post, near Musina, on October 2, 2020. (Photo for illustration by Phill Magakoe / AFP)
Led by little-known advocate Simba Chitando, the “Sandton-based Zanu-PF branch”, which lambasted Home Affairs Minister Dr Aaron Motsoaledi for being “xenophobic”, has turned out to be a pressure group representing Zimbabweans residing illegally in South Africa.
The “branch” has been disowned by Zimbabwean ambassador to South Africa David Hamadziripi, who also denounced the Sandton group’s statement against Motsoaledi.
Chitando, the “chair of the Zanu-PF Sandton branch”, yesterday failed to respond to questions by The Citizen on why the branch was formed.
“Send me your questions via WhatsApp and I will respond,” Chitando promised.
The Zimbabwe embassy said: “We are deeply concerned by the content and tone of this statement, which is diametrically opposite to the maintenance and strengthening of the excellent bilateral relations between Zimbabwe and South Africa.
“The embassy reiterates the government of Zimbabwe’s acknowledgement and acceptance of the sovereign decision by the government of the Republic of South Africa to not renew the Zimbabwean Exemption Permit [ZEP] on its expiry at 31 December 2021, and to [instead] extend a 12-month grace period to ZEP holders to regularise their stay in SA in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations of the country.”
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In a Twitter statement by the Sandton group titled the “Dr Motsoaledi Aviation Bill”, which has set social media ablaze, Chitando threatened to have a pollution levy imposed on all air traffic flying over Zimbabwe, either arriving at or departing from South Africa.
Political analyst and research director at the University of South Africa, Professor Lesiba Teffo, described the Sandton body as “nothing, but a pressure group”.
Said Teffo: “If they had the blessings of Zanu-PF in Harare, then I would have a serious problem with that.
“They are a pressure group fighting for the interests of those Zimbabweans who should now leave the shores of South Africa.”
Teffo added: “Given the state of our economy – with the cake not being enough for its citizens to share with neighbours – the government has done the right thing.
“It is only fair that national and international protocols be observed – stating clearly who can and cannot be a refugee.
“There is no problem with Zimbabweans being here legally, with those qualifying for permits applying as per the UN Charter and the laws of South Africa.”
Meanwhile Zimbabwean political activist Hopewell Chin’ono tweeted the following: “Zanu-PF branches in SA don’t represent Zimbabwean people – they represent Zanu-PF supporters.
“Zimbabweans are themselves victims of Zanu-PF’s corrupt misrule.”
– brians@citizen.co.za
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