26 fines amounting to R15,000 were issued.

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Almost 300 people were arrested yesterday during a joint operation by women from the South African Police Service (Saps) together with the Johannesburg Metro Police Department (JMPD), the Gauteng Traffic Police and the SA Defence Force after blocking off the Fleurhof entrance on Main Reef Road.
Gauteng commander of the operation called Basadi, which means women, Major-General Anna Mateisi said gender-based violence (GBV) was a serious concern for everyone and that Saps viewed it as a priority to arrest those who committed crime against women and children. She said 790 GBV suspects had been arrested in the district so far. She said 90 of the victims were children.
“We are pleased with the results of the Basadi operation so far. Even though we are on Lvel 2 of the lockdown we still need to comply with all Covid-19 health regulations,” she said.
“I appeal to the community to comply with the regulations which include social distancing, the wearing of masks, and sanitising when entering a building.”
Mateisi said 288 people – including nine undocumented immigrants – were arrested during various other operations conducted simultaneously yesterday. She said 26 fines amounting to R15,000 were issued.
“We managed to close down three shebeens which were not complying with the Covid-19 health regulations and issues 17 health notices to second hand shops.
“Our teams will be conducting this operation twice a week to ensure everyone is complying with the regulations,” she said.
“Stay away from criminal activities and be cautious about committing a crime because we will arrest you.”
Mateisi said during a Passenger Rail Agency of SA operation, six suspects were arrested for copper cable theft to the value of R1 million JMPD spokesperson Wayne Minnaar said the joint operation also running in Soweto and Florida was a huge success and would continue for the next few weeks.
“We closed down all stores which operated illegally,” he said.
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