Categories: Politics

Lamola raises eyebrows over ‘no need for Covid-19 anti-corruption unit’ comment

Justice and Correctional Services Minister Ronald Lamola says there is no need for the establishment of a special Covid-19 anti-corruption unit.

Lamola also revealed no such unit had been established by the government.

This was revealed in his reply to DA MP Glynnis Breytenbach’s written parliamentary question.

Breytenbach wanted details on the status of the unit and whether it had been established.

Lamola said the country’s existing law enforcement agencies have the capacity to deal with corruption.

“Instead, the president [Cyril Ramaphosa] has requested the Justice, Crime Prevention and Security [JCPS] cluster to consider establishing measures through which corruption emanating from Covid-19, both in terms of procurement as well as the implementation of the Covid-19 stimulus package announced by the president, could be dealt with.”

He added: “The National Joint Command Centre – which comprises directors-general in the security cluster and the directors-general from other departments directly affected by Covid-19, including National Treasury – has discussed measures meant to prioritise measures aimed at Covid-19 anti-corruption cases. The co-ordination is done through the anti-corruption task team [ACTT].”

The Special Investigating Unit (SIU), Financial Intelligence Centre and National Prosecuting Authority, are members of the ACTT.

In August, Lamola told journalists at a post-Cabinet briefing South Africa needed a permanent “multi-disciplinary” structure to combat corruption.


He said the government’s “fusion centre” – comprising all law enforcement agencies – should grow organically before legislation formalised it.

In July, Ramaphosa issued a proclamation to enable the SIU to investigate Covid-19-related corruption.

The SIU has so far uncovered corrupt dealings, most notably in Gauteng.

On Thursday, Gauteng Premier David Makhura suspended the provincial health department’s deputy director-general for human resources, Andile Gwebani, for his involvement in irregular personal protective equipment tenders.

The decision was taken on the recommendation of the SIU.

On Wednesday, Makhura placed health department head Professor Mkhululi Lukhele on precautionary suspension.

Given the SIU’s work, Lamola said it could therefore “be deduced from the work under way” the existing law enforcement agencies have the ability and competence to deal with Covid-19-related corruption.

“Therefore, there is no compelling reason for the establishment of a special Covid-19 anti-corruption unit at this stage,” he added.

Breytenbach though questioned the motive behind Lamola’s U-turn.

“If the existing law enforcement agencies had the Covid corruption situation in hand, why did the president feel the need to promise South Africans at the very start of the lockdown that an anti-corruption unit would be established?

“Did Minister Lamola know then that the president’s promise was empty, or did he decide to make it so by defying President Ramaphosa.”

She said it was not the first time a minister had made complete U-turn on announcements made by the president over these past six months.

“While the majority of South Africans have faced a daily struggle for survival during the extended Covid-19 lockdown, these ministers have sought to increase their own power with little regard for citizens or the rule of law.

“Minister Lamola now appears to be no exception. South Africa’s pandemic of corruption has infected every aspect and sphere of government long before Covid-19 wreaked havoc on the world.

“And for nearly as long, the country’s law enforcement agencies have failed to get a grip on it. Why the minister thinks that dodgy dealing with Covid-19 resources would be different is anybody’s guess,” Breytenbach added.

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