The IFP's Blessed Gwala said it is time for the "ANC to pack their bags and leave before they destroy KwaZulu-Natal completely".
KZN Premier Sihle Zikalala and IFP's Blessed Gwala.
The IFP in the KwaZulu-Natal (KZN) legislature has responded to accusations from the ANC that it brought back tribalism as a political tool and was exploiting the Zulu nationalism ticket.
IFP chief whip Blessed Gwala said the party has noted the ‘nonsensical utterances’ made by the KZN Premier Sihle Zikalala during a two-day ANC PEC lekgotla at Coastlands Hotel in Durban.
The premier accused the IFP of, among other things, exploiting the Zulu kingship for political gain.
“The premier appears to be displaying the last kicks of a dying horse by trying to justify the ANC’s shenanigans concerning the royal family,” said Gwala.
The IFP has been on the governing party’s case in KZN recently.
ALSO READ: IFP and ANC-led KZN government in spat over Zulu royal family’s affections
Recently, the IFP submitted more than 50 questions to the office of the premier demanding answers about, among others:
“We believe that the premier is bitter because the ANC lost many municipalities to the IFP during the 2021 local government elections, right under his nose as ANC provincial chairperson,” said Gwala.
“Possibly, he fears the writing is on the wall and that he might not be re-elected during the next ANC conference.”
During the ANC’s KZN PEC lekgotla last weekend, Zikalala stepped out of his comfort zone and spoke out against the declining support, particularly in KZN.
Zikalala is up for a second term as KZN premier, but he faces stiff competition from the province’s Finance MEC Nomusa Dube-Ncube.
“The premier has created a political mess by declaring that the province has suspended all government support to the Zulu royal family,” said Gwala.
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Gwala said it is time for the “ANC to pack their bags and leave before they destroy KwaZulu-Natal completely”.
“The toxicity of the ANC under Premier Sihle Zikalala has reached alarming levels. It is not difficult to see that the venom towards the IFP is simply because of the ANC’s insatiable appetite for power and self-aggrandisement,” said Gwala.
Gwala is adamant that the ANC has reached its sell-by date in KZN.
“This is evident in the SIU PPE corruption report and the state capture report, which laid bare corruption under the ANC.”
The party is calling upon the KZN premier to stop “obsessing” over the IFP.
“He should rather hang his head in shame for his failure to address corruption in the province,” concluded Gwala.
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