GALLERY: Verena funeral

Some of the 17 caskets carrying the deceased Verena crash victims are seen during a funeral ceremony held for them in Welvenkop, Verna on 6 May 2017. The mass funeral follows the burial of the driver of the midi-bus last Saturday in Welvenkop. The driver was transporting the learners when the tragic crash occurred. 20 died and 7 were hospitilised after the fatal accident on 21 April 2017. Picture: Jacques Nellesmore
Some of the 17 caskets carrying the deceased Verena crash victims are seen during a funeral ceremony held for them in Welvenkop, Verna on 6 May 2017. The mass funeral follows the burial of the driver of the midi-bus last Saturday in Welvenkop. The driver was transporting the learners when the tragic crash occurred. 20 died and 7 were hospitilised after the fatal accident on 21 April 2017. Picture: Jacques Nellesmore
Some of the 17 caskets carrying the deceased Verena crash victims are seen during a funeral ceremony held for them in Welvenkop, Verna on 6 May 2017. The mass funeral follows the burial of the driver of the midi-bus last Saturday in Welvenkop. The driver was transporting the learners when the tragic crash occurred. 20 died and 7 were hospitilised after the fatal accident on 21 April 2017. Picture: Jacques Nellesmore
A ZCC church member dances and sings infront of some of the 17 caskets carrying the deceased Verena crash victims are seen during a funeral ceremony held for them in Welvenkop, Verna on 6 May 2017. The mass funeral follows the burial of the driver of the midi-bus last Saturday in Welvenkop. The driver was transporting the learners when the tragic crash occurred. 20 died and 7 were hospitilised after the fatal accident on 21 April 2017. Picture: Jacques Nellesmore
A family member overcome with grief is escorted from the marqee where the 17 caskets carrying some of the deceased Verena crash victims during a funeral ceremony held for them in Welvenkop, Verna on 6 May 2017. The mass funeral follows the burial of the driver of the midi-bus last Saturday in Welvenkop. The driver was transporting the learners when the tragic crash occurred. 20 died and 7 were hospitilised after the fatal accident on 21 April 2017. Picture: Jacques Nellesmore
A family member overcome with grief where the 17 caskets carrying some of the deceased Verena crash victims during a funeral ceremony held for them in Welvenkop, Verna on 6 May 2017. The mass funeral follows the burial of the driver of the midi-bus last Saturday in Welvenkop. The driver was transporting the learners when the tragic crash occurred. 20 died and 7 were hospitilised after the fatal accident on 21 April 2017. Picture: Jacques Nellesmore
A family member overcome with grief is escorted from the marqee where the 17 caskets carrying some of the deceased Verena crash victims during a funeral ceremony held for them in Welvenkop, Verna on 6 May 2017. The mass funeral follows the burial of the driver of the midi-bus last Saturday in Welvenkop. The driver was transporting the learners when the tragic crash occurred. 20 died and 7 were hospitilised after the fatal accident on 21 April 2017. Picture: Jacques Nellesmore
A family member overcome with grief is escorted from the marqee where the 17 caskets carrying some of the deceased Verena crash victims during a funeral ceremony held for them in Welvenkop, Verna on 6 May 2017. The mass funeral follows the burial of the driver of the midi-bus last Saturday in Welvenkop. The driver was transporting the learners when the tragic crash occurred. 20 died and 7 were hospitilised after the fatal accident on 21 April 2017. Picture: Jacques Nellesmore
A family member overcome with grief outside the marqee where the 17 caskets carrying some of the deceased Verena crash victims during a funeral ceremony held for them in Welvenkop, Verna on 6 May 2017. The mass funeral follows the burial of the driver of the midi-bus last Saturday in Welvenkop. The driver was transporting the learners when the tragic crash occurred. 20 died and 7 were hospitilised after the fatal accident on 21 April 2017. Picture: Jacques Nellesmore
Family members overcome with grief outside the marqee where the 17 caskets carrying some of the deceased Verena crash victims during a funeral ceremony held for them in Welvenkop, Verna on 6 May 2017. The mass funeral follows the burial of the driver of the midi-bus last Saturday in Welvenkop. The driver was transporting the learners when the tragic crash occurred. 20 died and 7 were hospitilised after the fatal accident on 21 April 2017. Picture: Jacques Nellesmore
Family members overcome with grief outside the marqee where the 17 caskets carrying some of the deceased Verena crash victims during a funeral ceremony held for them in Welvenkop, Verna on 6 May 2017. The mass funeral follows the burial of the driver of the midi-bus last Saturday in Welvenkop. The driver was transporting the learners when the tragic crash occurred. 20 died and 7 were hospitilised after the fatal accident on 21 April 2017. Picture: Jacques Nellesmore
Family members overcome with grief outside the marqee where the 17 caskets carrying some of the deceased Verena crash victims during a funeral ceremony held for them in Welvenkop, Verna on 6 May 2017. The mass funeral follows the burial of the driver of the midi-bus last Saturday in Welvenkop. The driver was transporting the learners when the tragic crash occurred. 20 died and 7 were hospitilised after the fatal accident on 21 April 2017. Picture: Jacques Nellesmore
Family and friends move the coffin of one of the 17 caskets carrying the deceased Verena crash victims during a funeral ceremony held for them in Welvenkop, Verna on 6 May 2017. The mass funeral follows the burial of the driver of the midi-bus last Saturday in Welvenkop. The driver was transporting the learners when the tragic crash occurred. 20 died and 7 were hospitilised after the fatal accident on 21 April 2017. Picture: Jacques Nellesmore
Family and friends move the coffin of one of the 17 caskets carrying the deceased Verena crash victims during a funeral ceremony held for them in Welvenkop, Verna on 6 May 2017. The mass funeral follows the burial of the driver of the midi-bus last Saturday in Welvenkop. The driver was transporting the learners when the tragic crash occurred. 20 died and 7 were hospitilised after the fatal accident on 21 April 2017. Picture: Jacques Nellesmore
Family and friends move the coffin of one of the 17 caskets carrying the deceased Verena crash victims during a funeral ceremony held for them in Welvenkop, Verna on 6 May 2017. The mass funeral follows the burial of the driver of the midi-bus last Saturday in Welvenkop. The driver was transporting the learners when the tragic crash occurred. 20 died and 7 were hospitilised after the fatal accident on 21 April 2017. Picture: Jacques Nellesmore
Family and friends during the service held for the deceased Verena crash victims held for them in Welvenkop, Verna on 6 May 2017. The mass funeral follows the burial of the driver of the midi-bus last Saturday in Welvenkop. The driver was transporting the learners when the tragic crash occurred. 20 died and 7 were hospitilised after the fatal accident on 21 April 2017. Picture: Jacques Nellesmore
Rebecca Malope, a renown gospel singer, sings by some of the 17 caskets carrying the deceased Verena crash victims during a funeral ceremony held for them in Welvenkop, Verna on 6 May 2017. The mass funeral follows the burial of the driver of the midi-bus last Saturday in Welvenkop. The driver was transporting the learners when the tragic crash occurred. 20 died and 7 were hospitilised after the fatal accident on 21 April 2017. Picture: Jacques Nellesmore
Family and friends move the coffin of one of the 17 caskets carrying the deceased Verena crash victims during a funeral ceremony held for them in Welvenkop, Verna on 6 May 2017. The mass funeral follows the burial of the driver of the midi-bus last Saturday in Welvenkop. The driver was transporting the learners when the tragic crash occurred. 20 died and 7 were hospitilised after the fatal accident on 21 April 2017. Picture: Jacques Nellesmore
Family and friends are seen during the funeral ceremony held for some of the deceased Verena crash victims in Welvenkop, Verna on 6 May 2017. The mass funeral follows the burial of the driver of the midi-bus last Saturday in Welvenkop. The driver was transporting the learners when the tragic crash occurred. 20 died and 7 were hospitilised after the fatal accident on 21 April 2017. Picture: Jacques Nellesmore
Family and friends are seen during the funeral ceremony held for some of the deceased Verena crash victims in Welvenkop, Verna on 6 May 2017. The mass funeral follows the burial of the driver of the midi-bus last Saturday in Welvenkop. The driver was transporting the learners when the tragic crash occurred. 20 died and 7 were hospitilised after the fatal accident on 21 April 2017. Picture: Jacques Nellesmore
Family and friends are seen during the funeral ceremony held for some of the deceased Verena crash victims in Welvenkop, Verna on 6 May 2017. The mass funeral follows the burial of the driver of the midi-bus last Saturday in Welvenkop. The driver was transporting the learners when the tragic crash occurred. 20 died and 7 were hospitilised after the fatal accident on 21 April 2017. Picture: Jacques Nellesmore
Family and friends are seen during the funeral ceremony held for some of the deceased Verena crash victims in Welvenkop, Verna on 6 May 2017. The mass funeral follows the burial of the driver of the midi-bus last Saturday in Welvenkop. The driver was transporting the learners when the tragic crash occurred. 20 died and 7 were hospitilised after the fatal accident on 21 April 2017. Picture: Jacques Nellesmore
Family and friends are seen during the funeral ceremony held for some of the deceased Verena crash victims in Welvenkop, Verna on 6 May 2017. The mass funeral follows the burial of the driver of the midi-bus last Saturday in Welvenkop. The driver was transporting the learners when the tragic crash occurred. 20 died and 7 were hospitilised after the fatal accident on 21 April 2017. Picture: Jacques Nellesmore
Family and friends are seen during the funeral ceremony held for some of the deceased Verena crash victims in Welvenkop, Verna on 6 May 2017. The mass funeral follows the burial of the driver of the midi-bus last Saturday in Welvenkop. The driver was transporting the learners when the tragic crash occurred. 20 died and 7 were hospitilised after the fatal accident on 21 April 2017. Picture: Jacques Nellesmore
Some of the 17 caskets carrying the deceased Verena crash victims are seen during a funeral ceremony held for them in Welvenkop, Verna on 6 May 2017. The mass funeral follows the burial of the driver of the midi-bus last Saturday in Welvenkop. The driver was transporting the learners when the tragic crash occurred. 20 died and 7 were hospitilised after the fatal accident on 21 April 2017. Picture: Jacques Nellesmore