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By Faizel Patel

Senior Digital Journalist

Deal struck! But here’s why Ramaphosa’s Cabinet reveal could take a few more days

South Africans, business and the country as a whole is waiting in anticipation for Ramaphosa to make the announcement of a new and inclusive Cabinet

President Cyril Ramaphosa is expected to make a cabinet announcement soon, paving the way for a Government of National Unity (GNU) executive to be installed by the end of the week.

South Africans, businesses and the country as a whole are waiting in anticipation for Ramaphosa to announce a new and inclusive Cabinet after being re-elected and sworn into office last Wednesday.

It is understood that Ramaphosa is expected to also brief the ANC’s alliance partners before announcing his executive.

According to Business Day, Ramaphosa was engaged in what is expected to be a “final meeting” with the ANC negotiating team on what has been agreed.

Ramaphosa is also expected to meet with individuals taking up the portfolios he allocated to them, including ANC’s alliance partners, before announcing his executive.

ALSO READ: ‘ANC and DA reportedly strike deal, Ramaphosa to make Cabinet announcement’

Cabinet announcement

Ramaphosa’s spokesperson Vincent Magwenya told The Citizen that the president will make his announcement after consultations with GNU partners and ANC leadership.

“He will apply his mind and exercise his prerogative as vested in him under Section 91(2) of the Constitution. At this stage, we are unable to give any timelines as to when he will announce his cabinet appointments.”

Meeting with the DA demands

It is understood Ramaphosa called DA leader John Steenhuisen on Wednesday night confirming that he will give the party six portfolios and seven deputies. The Inkatha Freedom Party will reportedly get three portfolios, while the Patriotic Alliance (PA) and GOOD party will get one each.

The DA initially had its eyes set on 11 Cabinet positions, their deputies and director-general portfolios; including a demand for the deputy president post.

This was revealed in a “leaked” letter, addressed to ANC secretary-general Fikile Mbalula, sent by DA federal executive chairperson Helen Zille on Sunday.

Zille listed the DA’s “preferred posts” across Cabinet clusters including Mineral Resources and Energy, Transport, Trade, Industry and Competition, Justice, International Relations and Cooperation and Communication and Digital Technologies.

NOW READ: ‘Undue expectation on parties wanting names and positions in GNU’ – Kathrada Foundation