'Being implicated in the Commission of Inquiry into State Capture reports and other similar probes – are not necessarily part of the ANC process.'

Chief Matsila (ANC Electoral Committee secretary) speaks, 22 November 2022, at Luthuli House in Johannesburg, during the announcement of the ANC Top 6 Candidates. Picture: Michel Bega/The Citizen
ANC leaders implicated at the Commission of Inquiry into State Capture and other probes, will not be disqualified from being nominated for leadership in the upcoming ANC elective conference, according to party electoral committee secretary, chief Livhuwani Matsila.
This, against a background of President Cyril Ramaphosa facing an unresolved matter over Phala Phala theft scandal and presidential contender Dr Zweli Mkhize, dogged by the Digital Vibes scandal.
Implicated by former Bosasa boss Angelo Agrizzi, during his testimony at the commission, for having received cash payments, groceries, booze and payments for upgrades at her home, from the company – was deputy secretary-general nominee Nomvula Mokonyane.
ANC electoral rules explained
In an interview with The Citizen, Matsila said clearance for nomination was “determined by ANC electoral rules, which talk to issues if somebody who is charged in a court of law”.
“Rules also talk to someone found guilty by the ANC disciplinary committee, whose membership has been temporarily suspended in the past 10 years – also factoring the step-aside,” he said.
“Being implicated in the Commission of Inquiry into State Capture reports and other similar probes – are not necessarily part of the ANC process.
“The step-aside applies to those who have been charged in a court of law or found guilty.”
“By a charge, we mean a court of law – excluding charges laid at a police station, not yet advanced to be in a court roll.
“A serious crime is defined to be that which could result in a prison sentence of more than six months.”
On the Commission of Inquiry into State Capture, Matsila said: “The Zondo Commission is not applicable, because it is not a court of law and does not result in people stepping aside – to be excluded from the ANC electoral process.
“The commission does not charge people, but makes recommendations to be considered by various arms of the state – especially the law-enforcement agencies when examining the report.
“We can’t act on such matters until there are court cases.
“The ANC process has integrity, not influenced by recommendations which are not legally-binding.
“We await due process by the by law-enforcement agencies and those with authority on legal matters.”
Three voting sessions
On voting logistical arrangements during the conference, Matsila explained: “There will be three voting sessions, with the first session seeing delegates voting for the position of president, national chairperson, secretary-general and the treasurer-general.
“There will be another session where they will vote for the deputy president and the deputy secretary-general.
“The third session, will cover voting for the 80 additional members of the national executive committee (NEC).
“On each occasion, there will be a moment for delegates to nominate from the floor – depending on whether those who are nominated receives 25% votes from the floor, for them to make it to the ballot.
“As a committee, we are ready, having appointed an electoral agency called Elections – hard at work and fully operating with us.
“They have technical capacity to ensure that we have ballots and voting stations and systems of capturing the votes and all the logistical requirements.
“Security is being looked at by the ANC itself and 4000 voting delegates will attend the conference.”
Matsila: “Our records indicate that a total of 3 543 out of a grand total 3 982 branches in good standing, have held successful branch general meetings, which produced the approved outcomes of the nominations for both branch delegates and NEC candidates.
“This effectively means that 89% of the ANC branches have successfully participated in the nomination process – thus comfortably surpassing the 70% threshold required for the national conference to take place as per the ANC constitution.”
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