
ANC moves to discipline ‘opportunistic’ Carl Niehaus

The ANC will be taking disciplinary action against Carl Niehaus for bringing the organisation into disrepute.

The governing party said it noted with dismay, “the ongoing divisive, opportunistic and anti-ANC behaviour by Niehaus”.

“The latest incident is his personal statement purported to be made on behalf of ANC staff announcing that he would be laying criminal charges regarding the salary matter,” said ANC national spokesperson Pule Mabe.


ALSO READ: ANC gets creative in ‘resolving’ delayed salary payments

The ANC has interacted with staff representatives and has unequivocally confirmed that the Umkhonto weSizwe Military Veterans Association (MKMVA) spokesperson does not represent them nor does he have the mandate to act on their behalf.

Mabe lambasted Niehaus, saying he has a desperate lust for publicity, and that his latest withdrawal of the fraudulent statement does not augur well with his self-claimed credentials as a decorated freedom fighter.


“We find the behaviour of Carl who appears more on public and social media platforms to be divisive, opportunistic and devoid of revolutionary discipline.

“Coincidentally, Niehaus has elected to apply the tactics of one desperate opposition party lacking a clear programme for the upcoming local government elections and pinning their hopes on a liquidated ANC.

“Carl had initially and consciously chosen to follow the DA’s example and leadership in laying charges against an organisation he claims to be his own,” said Mabe.


WATCH: Carl Niehaus arrested while live on television

Earlier this week, the DA announced plans to press criminal charges against the ANC’s top-six leadership over the governing party’s alleged failure to pay Unemployment Insurance Fund (UIF) contributions to the state.

Mabe said Niehaus was welcome to share with the public “his most recent official duties as an employee deserving of compensation”.


“Carl’s behaviour and utterances are consistently directed at undermining and disrespecting the 54th ANC national conference leadership collective under president comrade Cyril Ramaphosa,” added Mabe.

Neihaus is already on thin ice with the party. His membership was suspended in July.