Tshwane Mayor Solly Msimanga. Picture: Jacques Nelles
1. It is with great grief that I am writing to you. Why is it that a speed hump was erected on what could arguably be one of Mamelodi’s busiest roads, Solomon Mahlangu Drive? Traffic in both directions is now a nightmare.
Whatever challenge you wanted to fix was in fact made worse, imagine being stuck in traffic from Pretoria Road to Vista (UP) for an hour? A distance that shouldn’t take longer than five minutes. I urge you to please have it removed! Craig Xaluva
Mayor Msimanga: Dear Craig, please note that this matter has been referred to the province as the city has received a number of complaints.
2. When are you going to extend the A Re Yeng bus service to Pretoria North. We would really like to make use of this service. Thank you. Anonymous
Mayor Msimanga: Dear Anonymous, the City of Tshwane will officially open the A Re Yeng Line 1A route, which runs from the Molefe Makinta Station, opposite Paul Kruger Square, to the Rainbow Junction Station, north of Pretoria as from today.
The introduction of this route, by MMC for transport, Cllr Sheila Lynn Senkubuge, follows an agreement between the city and the three taxi associations, Hammanskraal Taxi Association (HATO), Stinkwater Eersterust Taxi Association (SETA) and the Ga-Mokone Hammanskraal Stinkwater Taxi Association (GHSTA) that the associations be compensated for the 10km distance they will be forfeiting by terminating at Wonderboom and not proceeding to Central Business District (CBD).
3. Dear Mayor Msimanga, how long will it take for the building of the long overdue Mamelodi fire station? The residents of Mamelodi are currently relying on other fire stations around Pretoria to come to our rescue and this does not always happen in time. Temba, Mamelodi.
Mayor Msimanga: The station is currently a priority, but – as is the case with these things – they do hit some snags that we need to iron out so that the project can proceed accordingly.
It is our intention to ensure that it is completed by the end of this year so that people of Mamelodi can live in comfort, knowing that, should disaster occur, there will be speedy responses.
4. Mr Mayor, the City of Cape Town provided free buses for the youth to look for jobs. Can you please do the same for us? Mzwandile Buthelezi.
Mayor Msimanga: Dear Mzwandile, it is a matter that has been in the plenary phase for quite some time, but I’m glad to say today, as I respond to you, TBS quality officers and inspectors are currently busy with route identification and pick-up and drop off zones, in order to develop a timetable.
Our target is to launch this in October. At the time of going to press, the City of Tshwane had already rolled out this service, earlier this month. Three buses were used to carry young job seekers from townships to town to look for work.
The week-long pilot project, which kicked off in Bronkhorstspruit, was launched during transport month and coincided with the planned opening of the Black Royal Mine in Bronkhorstspruit, where scores of vacancies were open to youths in the area.
Unemployed graduates and matriculants were transported from three different wards in Tshwane.
Tshwane MMC for roads and transport Sheila Lynn Senkubuge said that following the pilot, the city would study the data and analyse it to see where it could improve and, in time, the project would be rolled out in the rest of the city.
Senkubuge pointed out that this is part of the city’s contribution to creating an enabling environment for economic growth.
NEXT WEEK: Ekurhuleni mayor Mzwandile Masina responds to your questions
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