Categories: South Africa

Malema denies impregnating woman claiming to have his son

Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) Julius Malema has slammed a report about a woman claiming to have his son, saying it is fake news. The EFF leader says the report was fabricated because “they” can’t mount a political response to “our political critic [sic] against them”.

Even the home affairs spokesperson has come to Malema’s defence, confirming the story was fabricated.

“That Juju baby story is fake news … That’s the same site that claimed Minister Gigaba is deporting uncircumcised men,” he said.

A fake news website on Friday ran a story about a Zimbabwean woman who it said came forward claiming Malema had impregnated her when she was his maid during his ANC days.

According to the report, the woman made the revelation while in Pretoria trying to reunite Malema with his alleged son.

“I was a maid at his house in Midrand and we used to have wild sex. He was sweet to me and promised to take good care of me. I left when I fell pregnant and when I gave birth I tried to link up with him but he refused,” the woman is falsely quoted as saying.

The report further claims the woman said she had videos of the two together and would leak them should the EFF leader fail to take responsibility for his “son”.