He was allegedly refused emergency services as he was 'dirty' and 'stank', and so died outside the Tshwane District Hospital.
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A homeless man died on the steps of the provincially managed Tshwane District Hospital on Tuesday night, reports Pretoria East Rekord.
This is after he was allegedly refused emergency services as he was “dirty” and “stank”, said Crezane Bosch, DA Gauteng spokesperson for social development.
Bosch said a car guard pleaded for the man to be assisted, however “he died after two hours lying outside the hospital as no help was forthcoming”.
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Bosch alleged that after the staff of the hospital was informed that the man had died, the hospital, morgue and the SAPS refused to assist.
“When the SAPS was called, they indicated that they would only arrive after 10 hours to attend to the situation. However, after intervention from the CPF, the police arrived after an hour. Meanwhile, the body of the deceased was lying outside the Tshwane District Hospital.”
She said the DA was calling on the MECs for health, social development, and community safety to immediately intervene in the various departments so that government services were extended to the most vulnerable and displaced members of society.
“The DA will keep these MECs accountable for the death of this yet unnamed homeless person and will continue to put pressure on the Gauteng Cabinet until answers are provided for the failures of the various social services in the province leading to the death of this homeless man.”
She said there had to be consequences for those in government who failed to assist the homeless in our province.
“How this matter is dealt with will show whether the government cares about the homeless.”
It is alleged the man did not have documents on him at the time of his death and was originally taken to the state morgue. However, it was discovered that he was from Tanzania and plans were being made for the Tanzanian embassy to take him to its morgue.
Gauteng health district chief director Mothomone Pitsi said the department was not aware of the incident.
“Apparently a homeless man was found dead at a nearby tuckshop.”
Pitsi said they still had to investigate the matter.
Gauteng police spokesperson Captain Kay Makhubela said they were not aware of the incident.
The DA has called on the Gauteng government to establish an intra-governmental task team to promote the safety, health and access to economic opportunities for the homeless in the province.
This also comes after the Gauteng health department launched an investigation into Stanza Bopape Community Health Centre (CHC) following the inappropriate treatment of a woman in labour.
It is alleged a woman gave birth at the gate of the facility after being turned away.
She alleges she was told to go to Mamelodi Hospital without being examined.
“On her way, just outside the CHC, she realised she would not make it to the hospital before the baby was born. She, unfortunately, gave birth at the gate while trying to walk back into the facility,” said Pitsi.
Pitsi said he was saddened by this unfortunate incident.
“It is unacceptable that the patient was not examined and let to go in her condition. Even in circumstances where patients are identified as high risk and require care at the higher-level facilities – they are not just sent away,” said Pitsi.
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