Categories: South Africa

Jordaan’s rape accuser offers him ‘restorative justice’

In an unexpected move, former ANC MP and singer Jennifer Ferguson reached out to Danny Jordaan and offered him restorative justice.

The Safa boss allegedly raped former Ferguson in a hotel room 24 years ago. In an interview on Talk Radio 702, Ferguson revealed the reason it took her this long to share her story was because she believed she couldn’t prove it to anyone.

“My decision is to speak truth in order to heal and to go through processes of forgiveness,” she said.

Ferguson affirmed this in a Facebook post she shared on which read: “The levels of rape that have been normalised in our society are damaging to the very fabric of sanity in our communities. The levels of silenced pain in our nation cannot continue without serious consequences.

“Men who choose to rape women are seriously damaged. Women who are raped are confronted with death and forced to continue living with the memory of their humiliation being a constant experience. A society that laughs at this pathology is betraying its future.

“We have to find another way.

“We have decided to formally offer Danny Jordaan an opportunity for a mediated restorative justice process that would be facilitated by Paul Verryn in consultation with experts in this field.”

Ferguson’s post was met with messages of support, with many women praising her for being courageous and representing voiceless victims.

Another woman, whose identity has not been revealed, wrote to Ferguson saying she too had allegedly been raped by Jordaan.

Jordaan has still not responded to the rape allegations.
