Last week, the communications minister's home was broken into, and she suspects it could be related to the threats.

Minister of State Security Ayanda Dlodlo.
A high-level government investigation has reportedly been launched into death threats received by two Cabinet ministers, a deputy minister and ANC MP Makhosi Khoza, over the past few months.
The Sunday Times reported at the weekend that police said the same cellphone number was being used for many of the phone calls and SMS threats sent to Communications Minister Ayanda Dlodlo, her deputy, Tandi Mahambehlala, Social Development Minister Bathabile Dlamini and Khoza, including three parliamentary staff members.
State Security Minister David Mahlobo confirmed last week the investigation was under way. He said the threats might be the “work of rogue elements aiming to destabilise the country”.
“We are tracing the signals of all the phones used to make these threats and also trying to identity their owners. We are taking these threats seriously, and hoping to make a major breakthrough soon,” he said.
Police reportedly arrested a 17-year-old Cape Town woman earlier this month after one of the phones used to send the death threats was found in her possession. But police sources who spoke to The Sunday Times said they believed the teenager – who apparently appeared to be “mentally unstable” – could have been directed by political forces.
Hawks spokesperson Hangwani Mulaudzi said the woman had used more than 15 unregistered SIM cards on several devices. He said she would be referred for observation and police were still investigating the case.
According to the report, Dlodlo said she had received up to 258 threatening calls and texts in one day. Last Monday, the minister’s house was also broken into, and she told the paper she suspected it was related to the threats.
On August 8, during the debate on the motion of no confidence in President Jacob Zuma, Khoza, Dlodlo and Dlamini all received similar messages stating: “I hope you have voted against the motion. For if you haven’t, we will deal with you.”
However, the threats are said to have stopped after the vote. It is also not clear why Dlamini and Mahambehlala, known to be both staunch supporters of Zuma, would be targeted.
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