Heavy traffic on N3 toll as thousands return to Gauteng

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By Faizel Patel

Senior Journalist

Highs in access of 1800 vehicles per hour are heading to Gauteng and 1 200 vehicles per hour heading towards KwaZulu-Natal.

The N3 Toll Concession is experiencing very busy traffic conditions along the route in both directions with nearly 2 000 vehicles per hour heading towards Gauteng.

Thousands of holidaymakers are returning home from various provinces across the country with many expected to return back to work on Monday.

Heavy traffic

N3 Toll Concession spokesperson Thania Dhoogra said heavy traffic volumes have been recorded on  the N3 toll route over the past few days.

“Highs in access of 1800 vehicles per hour in the northbound direction towards Gauteng and 1 200 vehicles per hour heading southbound towards KwaZulu-Natal were recorded during the day yesterday.

“This pattern is expected to continue today and is likely to increase further on Sunday, as many travellers return to the office this week,” Dhoogra said.

ALSO READ: More than 7 400 arrested over festive season, including doing 209km/h in 120 zone

Road safety

Dhoogra has reminded road users to please remain patient and alert while behind the wheel.

“High traffic volumes will likely result in congestion and delays along the route. Should it be required, law enforcement officials may implement traffic control interventions at strategic locations on the N3 toll route to manage the flow of traffic.

“Please adhere to the rules of the road and the instructions of law enforcement officials at all times,” Dhoogra warned.

Bad weather

Dhoogra also advised motorists of adverse weather conditions.

“Please also be prepared for changing weather conditions, as are being advised by the South African Weather Services (SAWS), and adjust your driving style to suit the prevailing conditions.”

Festive season arrests

Meanwhile, the Road Traffic Management Corporation (RTMC) has revealed that 7 448 people have been arrested for various offences including excessive speeding, drunken driving and attempted bribery.

The RTMC provided an update on Saturday as thousands of holidaymakers return home from various provinces across the country.

RTMC spokesperson Simon Zwane said the arrests were made from the 1st of December 2024 and the 1st of January 2025.

ALSO READ: Festive season travel: Road accidents up from last year, pedestrians the highest casualties

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