More than 1 000 cubic metres of water from the nearest measuring stations are also on their way for later today.
Water pours out of the Vaal Dam at the dam wall near Denneysville, 11 March 2014, following a weak of heavy rains. The dam has reached 105 percent capacity, and Vaal Dam management have opened 7 of the 16 gates. Picture: Michel Bega
All the recent rains in Gauteng appear to be having a bit of an effect on the Vaal Dam’s levels, according to the Vaal Weekblad.
According to top angler and Vaal Dam expert Bertus Stander, anglers will soon have to move their rods a little higher since an expected increase of 0.7% is expected in only four hours.
More than 1 000 cubic metres of water from the nearest measuring stations are also on their way for later today and this evening.
According to Rand Water’s last official report on the water level, the Vaal Dam was at 44.6% on January 6 (Friday), but it is presumably already at more than 45%.
– Caxton News Service
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