Fake news alert: No, UFS isn’t restricting masturbation to bedrooms

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By Citizen Reporter


The University of the Free State didn't see the humour in a fake 'masturbation notice' doing the rounds, but students are having a laugh.

The University of the Free State (UFS) has issued a warning against people spreading fake news using the institution’s logo, and said it has not issued a notice asking students to restrict masturbation to their own bedrooms.

The university has denounced a fake notice, complete with the university’s letterhead, warning students against masturbation in showers and elsewhere in bathrooms.

The notice is a copy of an old viral meme, claiming that masturbation in showers leads to blockages of drains, and warns students that this leads to increased maintenance costs to keep drains unblocked.

The sub-heading of the statement reads: “Please masturbate in your own room”, and refers students to the Student Representative Council should they have any queries.

UFS didn’t see the humour in the post, and issued their response on all their channels on Wednesday.

They warned that, “The executive management views the participation in and support of fake news campaigns in a serious light, especially when it involves the unauthorised use of the university’s trademark.”

But, students being students, this statement has also become the butt of some jokes, with some asking if this means the university approves of masturbation in showers, and others thanking the university for not making them stop their self-love sessions in bathrooms in between classes.

The University’s response to the fake news led to even more hilarious responses.

The university hasn’t responded to any of the comments.

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