Categories: Elections

EFF is the ‘only hope for all South Africans, black or white’ – Dali Mpofu

Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) national chairperson Dali Mpofu has written an opinion piece in City Press attacking the ANC and Cyril Ramaphosa, describing his own party as “ironically … the only hope for all South Africans, black or white.”

Mpofu says this is because “only when we face the truth of our past can we build a peaceful and united future”.

The EFF chairperson unsurprisingly believes only his party will enable this facing of the truth and that a vote for his former party the “ANC is just a postponement of the revolution”.

He describes the ANC as either “wittingly or unwittingly” providing “the last hope for racists and those who benefit from the status quo”.

The party, he alleges, “sold out in the 1990s when it agreed to abandon its socialist promise for neoliberalism and capitalism, for a fee of $800 million ‘donated’ by the West.”

He says any black person who votes ANC is sending the message that they are “happy with the black conditions in the past 25 years” and would continue to be happy “if we are here 50 years on.”

He says a vote for the ANC would be a tantamount to saying “I understand and condone state capture, elite empowerment in the name of all black people, the highest inequality in the world, landlessness, continuing racism and being called and regarded as a ‘k****r’, growing squatter camps, hospitals without blankets, schools with pit latrine toilets, the indignity of the bucket system, foreign ownership of our land and minerals to develop other countries, to mention a few.”

READ MORE: WATCH: Ramaphosa is a ‘self-hating’ black man ‘willing to kill for money’ – Ndlozi

The opinion piece also attacks Ramaphosa, saying that under his leadership the party is “even more part of the problem than before.”

“Somebody once said to expect a billionaire to fundamentally disturb the very system which made him a billionaire is the classical definition of madness,” Mpofu writes.

He goes on to use Ramaphosa’s involvement in the Marikana tragedy and his buying a buffalo for R20 million as examples of his true character.

He accuses the ANC of practicing “neo-apartheid”, adding that it should not matter whether the party perpetuating these alleged policies is black or white.

“If you are homeless, it matters very little that the person who causes that situation is white or black.  If anything, it feels morally worse that it is done by one you regard as your own flesh and blood.  But, in objective reality, it makes no difference,” he writes.

Mpofu briefly turns his attention to other parties, saying a vote for the Democratic Alliance (DA) or Freedom Front Plus (FF+) would be a vote for parties yearn for apartheid and racism.

However, he also says for “black Africans, there are only two realistic alternatives in this election. Vote EFF or vote ANC.”

“I say so with all due respect to the dozens of smaller and black-led and progressive parties,” he added.

(Compiled by Daniel Friedman)

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