Categories: South Africa

Eish! I warned Malema, says Kenny Kunene

Following the EFF press conference at their offices in Braamfontein on Thursday, sushi king and businessman Kenny Kunene has pulled the ‘I told you so’ card on Julius Malema.

Malema had criticised the DA for “undermining” the “people” by suspending Helen Zille from the party, but still keeping her as Western Cape premier. He further threatened to take away his party’s votes if they did not suspend her as premier.

He said the party was busy calling for Zuma to step down, but they protected Zille.

“They must be warned. They will remain with Western Cape, and we will take Tshwane and the rest.

“No party must love individuals more than the party. If they don’t suspend her as premier, we will take our vote back!

“We voted to remove ANC not to sustain white supremacy and arrogance,” he said.

“DA must change their attitude, or we will take away our bite, and they will lose these municipalities,” he warned.

But Kunene, a former EFF member, said it was time the EFF leader realised the press conferences were not going to help him. He alleged the DA had used Malema, just as he had been warned.

“Eish @Julius_S_Malema with his press briefings. Shame white money will overuse and abuse you if you envy them and take their money, I told him so,” he said after Malema’s press conference.

Even poet Ntsiki Mazwai agrees with Kunene. She shared on Twitter that the DA “used EFF like toilet paper” and that Malema must just “wake up” and face reality.

By voting with the DA in Tshwane and Joburg, the EFF had strengthened the party.

“It’s actually easier to take down ANC than DA…..but make your own experience. A useless party like DA owns the economy and it’s not under fire about it,” she said.

But some of her followers disagreed with her, saying the EFF made the right decision by voting with the DA last year. The plan, according to the EFF supporters, was to remove the ANC from power, which is exactly what happened.

Another supporter who claimed to be an EFF volunteer said the EFF did not have a lot of options, saying the party should have gone for fresh elections instead of voting with the DA.

“I don’t think the EFF had enough resources to fund the campaigns again at a time. There are many factors around these things Ntsiki.

“By the time we reached election day we were already exhausted financially. CIC mentioned this. A rerun would’ve favoured ANC and DA, who are relatively highly resourced,” said the supporter.

Some who supported Mazwai’s sentiments said there was no strategy “in going to bed with people you claim are your enemy without first consulting your party structures/branches”.

In fact, Malema played right into the “Jewish-funded” DA’s agenda to split the black vote, they claimed.

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