Nsfas reaffirms that students should not be denied registration over outstanding payments.
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The National Student Financial Aid Scheme (Nsfas) has condemned reports of landlords exploiting vulnerable students. This includes sexual coercion by landlords towards students in exchange for rent.
This follows a Sunday World report published on Sunday, 16 February 2025.
The article detailed allegations that some landlords, particularly in areas accommodating technical vocational education and training (TVET) college students, were demanding sexual favours from tenants who struggled to pay rent.
It highlighted the plight of financially vulnerable students who rely on Nsfas funding for accommodation.
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In response, Nsfas stated on Monday it would launch an immediate investigation.
This will be in collaboration with the Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET) and eThekwini Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) College.
“Nsfas strongly condemns the exploitation of vulnerable students and any acts of gender-based violence against students,” the scheme said.
Furthermore, Nsfas assured that affected students would be assisted in filing criminal charges.
“Should the investigations on the allegations against the landlords prove to be veracious, Nsfas will take decisive action. This may include blacklisting and terminating the services of the implicated landlords to ensure student safety,” the statement read.
The organisation also criticised Sunday World for failing to include its comprehensive response in the original article. It accused the publication of creating a “misleading narrative.”
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Regarding concerns over outstanding payments, Nsfas reaffirmed that students should not be denied registration.
Institutions have been instructed by Nsfas to allow affected students to enrol.
“Nsfas beneficiaries are not expected to pay any registration fee in all public Post-School Education and Training institutions,” Nsfas said.
According to the funding body, it confirmed that institutions had received lists of students qualifying for the Nsfas Loan Scheme.
The organisation demands that registration and accommodation be secured within reasonable timelines.
Nsfas urged students facing exploitation to report such incidents. The organisation reaffirmed its commitment to ensuring safe and dignified living conditions for beneficiaries.
Affected students can contact Nsfas for inquiries via its official communication channels.
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