Late applications for matriculants who did not apply on time.

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There are many barriers that can hinder you from applying on time, if you missed out on the initial application process or have not received acceptance letters from your first choices universities, then do not fret the hourglass is not yet empty. Some universities are still open for late applications.
However, we are afraid the train has already left the station if you were eyeing applications for 2024 at institutions like the University of Cape Town (UCT), University of the Witwatersrand (Wits University) or Stellenbosch University (Maties).
University of Johannesburg (UJ)
The late enquiry system will be open from the 19th of January at 8pm and will close on the 25th of January at 2pm for late applications, space enquiries about specific courses or course changes.
All applications will be online, and there are no application fees.
The late application system will only be open for qualifications where space is still available for applicants meeting the minimum entrance requirements.
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University of KwaZulu-Natal (UKZN)
Late applications will only be open to South African citizens, with a fee of R420.
Applications will close as soon as the programmes are full. Apply as soon as possible.
Only the following faculties will be open for late applications:
- College of Agriculture, Engineering and Science; all undergraduate programmes
- College of Humanities; all undergraduate programmes excluding B Education, B Social Work, B Visual Arts and B Art PPL
- College of Law and Management Studies; only B Com (Foundation), B Com, B Com (Acc) and B Admin will accept late applications
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University of South Africa (Unisa)
Only two faculties are open for late applications at Unisa.
- College of Accounting Sciences
- College of Science, Engineering and Technology
Applications to these programmes are set to be closed on the 31st of January.
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Cape Peninsula University of Technology (CPUT)
Late applications at CPUT are only open this week, from the 15th to the 19th of January. There are specific conditions and categories applicants should fit into to apply.
CPUT offers online assistance to applicants and prospective students. You can use this link for website assistance, alternatively you can call on 086 123 2788 / 021 959 6767.
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Durban University of Technology (DUT)
Acceptance is based on a first come first served basis.
The following programmes are open:
- Faculty of Accounting and Informatics
- Faculty of Applied Sciences
- Faculty of Health Science
Download a pdf on this link for the full list of available programmes.
Alternatively, you can visit a website called “Masifunde youth” to help you with late applications.
The site is easy to navigate and will help you to apply to at least five universities/TVET colleges.
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