Categories: Matric

Class of 2024: Matric results, re-markings and rewrites — everything you need to know

Published by
By Cornelia Le Roux

The Information Regulator (IR), the Department of Basic Education (DBE), and AfriForum are still locking horns over the public dissemination of the 2024 matric results.

Just this past week, the IR announced that it was fining the department a staggering R5 million for its intended publication of the results in the media.

The regulator also approached the court on an urgent basis in an attempt to prohibit the publication of the results on media platforms, as had been the custom in the past. 


In the latest development, AfriForum stated that it was ready to legally fight back if the IR proceeds with its urgent court application.

ALSO READ: Class of 2024: AfriForum demands matric results – in print and online

2024 Matric Results: When and where?

School or exam centre

Meanwhile, Minister of Basic Education, Siviwe Gwarube, will announce the outcome of the 2024 matric exams on 13 January 2025 before the results are released to candidates on 14 January 2025.

Minister of Basic Education, Siviwe Gwarube. Picture: Gallo Images/ Lefty Shivambu
  • According to the DBE, matric learners can get the statement of their results from 8am at their schools or exam centres where the candidate wrote. In the Western Cape, learners can get their results from 10am on the same day.
  • Candidates’ results will also be available on the Department of Basic Education’s website from 6am on 14 January 2025.

Matric results via phone only available for NSC

Matriculants can also submit their exam number via cellphone to receive their results via an SMS service, as per the Department of Education’s guidelines.

This service however applies only to National Senior Certificate (NSC) examinations and not to Independent Examinations Board (IEB) exams.

SMS or use USSD code

  • Register by SMS-ing your exam number to 35658, you will then receive reminders and USSD instructions to follow to gain access to your results on 14 January.

*SMSes are charged at R1.50 each. Free SMSes do not apply.

  • Alternatively, dial the USSD code *120*35658#. You will then receive further instructions to gain access to your results.

*USSD charged at 50c per 20 seconds. Free minutes do not apply.


(DISCLAIMER: Individuals who submit their personal information via the delivery methods mentioned above, give consent for their personal information to be processed to communicate their examination results. Any person who communicates personal information as per these clauses, guarantees that they are legally authorised to do so.)

Result queries

  • Result queries should be submitted for investigation within 30 days after the release of results.
  • Candidates must ensure that names and identity numbers reflect correctly on their statement of results and report any required corrections to the department before 21 February 2025.

Re-marking and re-checking

According to the DBE, a candidate may apply at the prescribed fee for the re-mark/re-check of their exam papers.

Registration can be done at either the school or district office in the province, or online at


Closing date for applications: 31 January 2025 for both manual applications and online applications

Picture: Supplied

Fees for re-marking and re-checking per subject:

  • Re-mark : R116
  • Re-check: R29

Viewing of scripts may only be done after a re-mark or re-check of results. The closing date for applications is seven days after the release of the re-mark or re-check results. The fee for viewing is R220.


Results of remarking will be released from 14 March 2025 and will be available at the school/exam centre where the candidate sat for their 2024 examinations.

Matric rewrite: June 2025 NSC exams

A matric rewrite exam allows matriculants who have completed their NSC, to improve their results in specific subjects, hence providing a second chance for further education or job opportunities.

The closing date to apply for a matric rewrite exam is 7 February 2025. Picture: iStock

The supplementary examination in February/March has been phased out and is therefore no longer available.

A new examination is available during May/June where candidates can improve their results or complete outstanding results.

The closing date for application is 7 February 2025.

Conditions for entry

  • Candidates can only register for subjects which they were registered for in any previous November examination.
  • Candidates who were absent with a valid reason (medical unfit, death in the immediate family or other special reasons) from one or more external question papers, may register for the NSC June examination, provided they have valid external paper marks (PAT, Oral and SBA).
  • Any NSC candidate (who wrote exams from 2008 November onwards) who wants to improve their overall achievement status, or only wants to improve the achievement of a subject, may register for the NSC June examination.
  • In the case where a candidate was absent for one or more papers in the November exam with a valid reason, the candidate has to write all the papers for the registered subject(s).
  • In a case where an irregularity is being investigated, provisional enrolment for NSC June examination may be granted to the candidate concerned, pending the outcome of the investigation.
  • Candidates who did not write or complete one or more of the NSC November examination question papers for reasons other than illness/injury or death in the family may also apply to write the NSC June examination, provided they have valid external paper marks (PAT, Oral and SBA).

NOW READ: Gwarube takes charge of Bela Act amid Sadtu criticism

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Published by
By Cornelia Le Roux