Three DUT campuses have been closed for just over two weeks after a series of attacks.
Durban University of Technology (DUT). Photo: DUT website.
Following a series of violent attacks on Durban University of Technology (DUT) staff and property last month, three of the institution’s campuses are gradually reopening.
A statement released by DUT on Wednesday indicated that the Steve Biko, Ritson and ML Sultan campuses, which have been closed for just over two weeks, will from Thursday be accessible to staff.
The 120 students writing supplementary exams will be allowed to access the campuses on Friday.
While campuses were closed, work and teaching was done remotely, while the four other DUT campuses not affected by the violence remained open.
In addition, 2022 registrations were in full swing.
ALSO READ: Durban University of Technology details damage after a week of attacks
For just over a week, DUT was hit by a series of disturbing attacks.
DUT senior director of corporate affairs Alan Khan told The Citizen in February student protests were sparked by prospective students refusing to accept the university was not allowing walk-in registrations.
On 8 February, around 15 unknown suspects threw petrol bombs at the City Campus building.
A DUT vehicle belonging to the maintenance department was also set alight last Tuesday.
The following day, 9 February, a group of suspects damaged 23 windows and a computer after throwing stones at a building on City Campus. A staff member’s vehicle was also stoned in the car park.
That same Wednesday, a group of people destroyed seven glass doors of shops on DUT’s Steve Biko campus, and the Gate 7 guard house was damaged in another attack.
On Thursday 10 February, one of the ML Sultan Campus security officers was attacked by members of what Khan called “a political student organisation”.
The officer was seriously injured and required medical attention.
The Department of Finance’s security access gate and main entrance to the laboratory was also damaged in the attack.
And on 15 February, four cars believed to belong to university staff members were also set alight by unknown suspects at Steve Biko Campus’s basement parking.
On the morning of 16 February, the guard house at City Campus’s main gate was petrol bombed.
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