Some candidates were removed from the youth employment initiative due to misconduct, absenteeism and involvement in criminal activities.
Picture: iStock
The Department of Basic Education has hired 250,000 education and general assistants as part of a mass youth employment initiative.
New recruits began their new jobs at the beginning of April 2022.
The mass youth employment initiative forms part of Phase III of the Presidential Youth Employment Initiative (PYEI) following a successful run of the second phase which ended at the end of March 2022.
For Phase III the department offered new contracts to qualifying candidates who were already part of the programme in Phase II.
Phase II was implemented from 1 November 2021 until 31 March 2022, where more than 276 000 employment opportunities were created.
Government allocated R6 billion to the education sector for the youth employment initiative.
The department said some youth did not enter Phase III of the initiative because they didn’t meet the requirements.
While some were removed from the programme following reports of misconduct including non-performance, absenteeism, involvement in criminal activities, assault and even sexual offences.
Others were found to be beneficiaries of the R350 grant, Census stipends and bursary holders while at the same time earning from PYEI.
Youngsters part of the initiative should not be in education, employed in another position or training. Neither can they have another employer or receive a salary, stipend or wage.
The offer also does not extend to university, college, or technical college students.
“If youth are found to be in education, employed or in training, they were not considered for Phase III,” said the department in a statement.
“Youngsters that had not attended the compulsory training were not to be considered for Phase III,” the department added.
The compulsory training included: General Orientation, Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) for COVID-19, National School Safety Framework (NSSF), Digital Literacy and Online Safety Training, after which certificates of completion were awarded.
The Department has sought to apply the qualifying criteria as reflected below:
• At age 18 – 35 years (18 or above, or 34 years turning 35 on or before the end of March 2023)
• Residing in South Africa with a valid RSA ID book or valid passport and work permits
• Residing at the location of the school (+/- 5 km radius)
• Is the only one with this opportunity at home
• Meets the requirements per category and sub-category applied for
• Attended work all days and did the work assigned
• Does not currently work in the education, employment, training or any form of studies for the entire period
• Does not receive government grants (NSFAS, Funza Lushaka, including R350 Covid-19 grant, and Census stipends)
• Does not receive any other form of stipend, Wage or salary
• Does not have a criminal record/s
• Was not unfairly advantaged above others due to staff members (SMT or SGB or District or PED or DBE) knowing them
• Is not participating in any learnership
• Attended all the compulsory training and received my certificates (Generic Orientation, SOP for COVID-19, NSSF.)
• Was not involved in misconduct during Phase I or II
The Department urges those not satisfied with the process to contact provincial project managers or district coordinators or send an email to .
NOW READ: Govt working towards addressing youth employment, says Mabuza
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